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Message received: 11th March 2017 at 02:21am
From, Josh x

Do you remember those times when we used to climb out your bedroom and onto the roof to look at the stars? That's where I am now, and no, I didn't fall.
I'm looking up at the stars, they're so bright. They twinkle, and they remind me if your eyes. God, how I long to see your deep blue eyes again.
It's pretty cold outside, so I'm wearing one of your SDMN hoodies. It's big on me, and it smells of you. Not the smell of cleaning products and strong medicines - but you. Mint, old books and tea.
I keep re-reading the note that you left for me, everytime I see the words 'I love you' I get this sickly, nervous flutter of butterflies in my stomach. I'm so scared, Simon, I'm scared that I'll never be able to hear your sweet laugh again. I'm scared I'll never see your stunning smile again, I'm scared I'll never be able to tell you to your face how I feel for you.
I wish God would cut me some slack, not that I really believe in God. I just want to feel free. Free of all of this pain of being without you.
I'm not me, I'm empty. You make up a huge part of me, and with you gone, I'll never be the same.
Come back to me, please come back.
I love you, Simon x

I felt my cheeks becoming wet with tears.

I clutched the phone tightly like my life depended on it. I watched as my tears landed over his message, and I sobbed, wishing I could crawl through the screen and hug him.

When I closed my eyes, to let the tears roll down my skin, I could see Josh smiling at me from the last time I lay on top of the roof with him.

With a sharp intake of breath as I let out a watery sob, a whisper escaped my trembling lips "I love you"

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