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Message received: 2nd February 2017 at 23:45pm
From, Josh x

I came to see you again today, I thought it would be easier than yesterday. But it wasn't, in fact, it was worse.
The police were there too, but I didn't want to see them. I didn't want to hear what they had to say, it'll would just make things worse. But they spoke to me, they told me that you tried to commit suicide and that this wasn't a possible 'attempted murder' case.
My heart broke in two, my chest has been on fire ever since. I didn't know it was possible to feel this much pain. I just want you back.
Somehow, I feel like it's my fault..

A/N: my heart goes out to the people affected by the Manchester bombings. I can't actually believe that these people who can hate so many others without ever meeting them actually exist in this world - it disgusts me. prayers with all the families who have someone missing <3
there is also this dark theme of suicide running through this book. if you, or someone you know, is going through this, remember that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem - you may be going through a horrible time in your life, perhaps the worst time, but I can promise you that it won't last forever, there is always light to cast out the darkness. people do care, as much as you feel like they don't, there is always someone that does. please don't feel like you're alone, I encourage you to reach out to someone - please don't suffer in silence <3

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