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"Marcy, it's not what you think" He stuttered.

"Dan, what the fuck is this?" I said angrily.

He just lay there, with her still on top of him, panting like wild animals. I twisted the door knob in my hand furiously, wishing it was his head. I came home from a long day at work, thinking I would come home to a loving boyfriend, instead, I came home to a lying, cheating scum. I stood, staring into the depths of his eyes, I felt my stare burn through him, like a 1000 degree knife had been shoved in between his eyes.

"How long?..." I said.


"How fucking long Dan?!"

"2 months, I'm sorry, I really am"

"No you're fucking not, if you were sorry you would have told me this shit earlier!" I screamed at him.

He was sat up now, he pushed her off him, and she got up and brushed past me, an ashamed look on her face, I stopped her grabbing her by the arm.

"And who the fuck do you think you are, sleeping with my boyfriend in my fucking bed?" I said.

"I'm sorry" Was all the girl could muster.

"Please, stop apologising darling" I pushed her back into the bedroom violently."He's all yours now"

I grabbed whatever I needed for the night, some clothes, other multiple things from the bathroom, packing furiously into a bag.

"Marcy please don't we can work this out, I love you" Dan came up behind me and clasped my hands, and I shoved him away.

"Don't you dare" I growled. "I will come another day and get my stuff, but for now I'm going, and I never want to see your face again, you foul man"

"Marcy, please just fucking listen to me!" He said.

"No, I don't want to know, I've seen enough" I said running downstairs.

Dan continuously said my name, telling me he loved me, saying he was sorry as I was walking out. I didn't believe anything that came out of that mouth. I got into my car and drove away, leaving all my problems behind. God, where do I go. What now? Richard. He would understand. I fumbling in my pockets for my phone, tears streaming down my face. I opened my contacts and selected 'Hamster <3' The phone rang and thankfully he picked up within a matter of seconds.

"Hiya Marcy what's up?" Oh that voice. That sweet voice. I missed him.

"Richard, darling please, do you mind if I stay at yours the night" I said.

"Yes of course, but whats the matter? Darling why are you so upset?" He asked, the concern raising in his voice.

"It's Dan, look I'll tell you when I get there, I just need to get away from him" I croaked.

"Hey hey it's okay sweetheart, drive safe yeah?" He said.

"I will, thank you Richard" I said and I ended the call.

I drove on to Richard's house, my eyes stinging, my heart breaking. I needed love and support, and Richard was the one to go to. He showed me so much love and affection and was so understanding. I looked at my right hand on the steering wheel, then at the bracelet on my wrist, the one Richard gave me when we were in New York. Then I looked further down my arm, the soft, black material, of Richard's blazer. I looked at my feet on the pedals. Richard's grey converse...

I pulled up on his drive, and I saw him open his front door when I got out the car, and a flood of emotions bombarded me.

"Richard, oh Richard" I started to tear up again and an unstoppable urge made me run as fast as my legs would carry my weary body to Richard. Richard also ran to me, and then I collapsed in his arms, sobbing my heart out, not just in sadness, but in happiness, that Richard was here, holding me close to him.

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