Speciality Visit...

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*4 weeks later*

Four weeks have passed, and we were done finishing series two of Top Gear, it was then me and Richard agreed to meet up. We had been so incredibly busy over those weeks, we hadn't taken a day off, but now it's all done and dusted, we can sit back and relax. Except I couldn't. Richard was constantly on my mind, we texted each other or called each other every single day, I enjoyed our talks, but I needed to shift these feelings for him. We could never happen surely, which is why I don't want to get worked up about him. We arranged to meet today, he was coming to my house for a drink and a chat. I decided to do a bit of cleaning up to preoccupy myself for the time being. I went upstairs to change into my casual skinny jeans and t shirt, then I heard someone knock on the door.

I skipped down the stairs hurriedly and opened the door.

"Hi Marcy" Richard said, stepping in the house and giving me a hug.

"Hello dear how are you?" I asked.

"Lovely thank you, how are you?"

"Brilliant! Can I offer you a drink?" I said, Richard following me into the kitchen.

"Tea would be just fine darling, no sugar please" He smiled.

I pondered while I made us some tea, the way Richard stood, his hand on the ledge supporting him, the way he looked. His hair combed but messy as usual, crisp white shirt, grey skinny jeans, his converse. I felt myself grow incredibly warm, as I distinctively admired his handsomeness. I then found myself staring when Richard snapped me out of my daydream.

"You alright there Marcy?" He giggled.

"Oh, yeah, yeah sorry!" I blushed rapidly.

"Don't worry about it darling" He smiled.

This made me heat up even more. God the way he called me darling, whenever he said it, he said it so sweet, low and seductive. It made a shiver protrude through me effortlessly.

Eventually I had finished making the tea and I handed him his mug as we joined each other on the sofa, lying back comfortably, making casual conversation. As the hours went by, we started becoming more deep and personal, talking about our past relationships, our family, what we did as a child. We made a few jokes here and there, me having a terrible sense of humour told the worst jokes, but Richard laughed anyway, bless him. He said the unfunniness of them was funny, which made me laugh even more. Richard truly made my heart melt when he laughed, and it made my feelings for him even stronger, when I intended to forget them many weeks ago. It was merely impossible. Damn that man.

"So fancy having a look out the balcony upstairs?" I asked. "It's a beautiful view at night"

"More than anything yes!" Richard replied.

I rose from my seat, as did Richard, and he followed closely behind as I trailed upstairs into my bedroom. I put a few things cluttered on my bed in it's place beforehand, and while I did Richard inspected the pictures on my wall.

"Is this you?" He pointed to a recent picture of me and my sister on holiday in Barbados.

"Yeah that's me, the other one is my sister" I smiled.

"Wow, you... look gorgeous in this..." His words trailed off as he looked at the picture more closely.

I stood frozen on the spot, thinking of something to say next.

"What, and you're saying I don't look gorgeous now?" I playfully stuck out my bottom lip and giggled.

Richard snapped himself out of his daydream and turned to me.

"No, no not at all, I think you look even more gorgeous now" He smiled nervously.

I couldn't contain myself, thought I was going to faint, then I turned my attention to the balcony doors.

"Why, why thank you Richard, erm, shall we go out now?" I smiled and I swiftly opened the doors.

Richard walked outside, and I closed the doors behind him. I turned on the lights on the balcony, and Richards beautiful brown eyes sparkled in the warm glow of the lights, and he appeared to look mesmerised.

"It's beautiful!" Richard said, his eyes travelling along the scenery that lay in front of us.

"This is the reason why I moved here" I said, my elbows leaning on the edge, my chin resting on my hand. Richard copied, and he looked towards me with a satisfied smile.

"It's amazing, I would kill to live here" He said.

There was a moment of silence, when me and Richard locked eye contact, and his face slowly came closer to mine. My breathing quickened, the lump in my throat grew larger. I knew what was going to happen next, but I faced the decision to either back away and do the right thing, or to let my feelings give in and hell to it. My mind raced as he came closer, and eventually his lips touched mine. His hand on my cheek, his fingers in my hair. My hands involuntarily caressed his broad shoulders, pulling him closer. Why was I doing this? I shouldn't go along with this, I need to stop and back away now. But I couldn't. The way he kissed me, I couldn't hold back, the way he held me. No, I couldn't.

"Richard" I mumbled against his lips, and backed away, looking into his eyes. "We can't" I sighed.

"I understand, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me" He ran his fingers through his hair.

"It's okay, Richard, don't be sorry, I retaliated too" I said, as Richard took a few steps back.

I opened the balcony doors, and we walked through, Richard sitting on my bed, his head in his hands. I sat beside him, and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"You're just so... irresistible Marcy..." He sounded annoyed with himself.

"I think the same of you, my feelings for you these past couple of weeks, I... we know this can't happen... It can't can it?" I said.

"Maybe it is, maybe it's not..." He tried to sound hopeful. "God, Marcy we've only known each other a few weeks and I'm mad about you..."

I sighed and I tilted my head onto his shoulder. "I'm mad about you too Richard, but-"

"-It couldn't happen" He finished my sentence.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Well... what now?" Richard asked.

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