Chapter Forty-One

Start from the beginning

"The leg is infected Alice," he said, sitting beside her taking her hand gently in his own. "Surely you must know this. And you are ill. I don't want to loose you."

Alice's eyes blinked, trying to focus on his voice as she turned her head towards him. "If you truly wish to help," she breathed, "will you do as I say?" Even in her weakened voice he could hear her fear to speak so boldly. But Magnus smiled at her, squeezing her hand in reassurance.

"If you know of a way I might help I will follow your every command," he answered, and meant it. "Whatever it takes to make you well again."

The woman closed her eyes as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"What's wrong?" he asked with concern. "Are you in pain?"

Alice shook her head slightly as she opened her eyes again. "I am merely so grateful," she replied. "Your kindness is more than I deserve."

Magnus put a hand on her shoulder. "Tell me what I must do."

Alice proceeded to give him a long list of ingredients which Magnus was quick to collect, in spite of the strange looks given him by the sibla staff who ran his estate. He wondered what report they were giving to his brother on Magnus's obsession with his new human slave. He decided he didn't care.

Taking the herbs she had requested to her room, Magnus stood beside her bed listening attentively to Alice's instruction on preparing the poultice she required and applying it to her wounds, patient with her detailed tutelage. He gathered the medicine she requested, begging prescription under false pretenses that he himself had been ill and changing the dosage to her specifications.

Magnus marveled at Alice's apparent skill in the art of healing. It was only a few days before her parlor became markedly improved and her fever retreated. Soon she was able to take food in addition to the tea he had ordered prepared to Alice's specifications. Another four days later she insisted on being allowed crutches so she might abandon her bed, and before long, Alice was moving from her room to explore Magnus's home, and soon after, his estate as well, taking advantage of the warm weather to wander.

For his part, Magnus allowed her full freedom to do as she pleased as he went back to his daily activities, finally convinced that her recovery was assured.

When Alice expressed her horror at the meals his surly kitchen maid offered and insisted that he allow her access to his kitchens Magnus readily agreed to this as well and was glad he did. It seemed Alice's skill at healing was matched only by her culinary prowess. The meals she prepared for him, in spite of his maid's protests, were more impressive than any other he had ever tasted.

It was not long before he fired his maid altogether, a choice that was not difficult to make. The sibla woman refused to work with a human, but Magnus had no intention of going back to the subpar meals she had prepared. In fact, Alice was clearly more than capable to take on every task the sibla woman had performed with her lackadaisical efforts. Never before had his home been so well cleaned and cared for.

"I was in charge of my Master's kitchens," Alice explained one night as he complimented yet another exquisite dish. "Cedrick Dulane was quite particular in the meals we served him. Only the best was tolerated."

Magnus shuddered to imagine what the man might have done to his slaves if they failed to meet his lofty standards. Did she think he might be the same?

Alice must have noticed his discomfort at her words because she gave Magnus a small smile to ease his concerns. "I learned to quite enjoy cooking though," she assured him. "It relaxes me. And no doubt my skill was partly what spared my life for so long. I am grateful for that."

Magnus was certain she was right. Still, he hated the idea that she might feel as if she was now required to put so much effort towards pleasing him as she had her former master.

"You know you are not required to do anything for me at all," he said.

Alice frowned at the comment. "How else can I possibly repay even a fraction of my debt?" she replied.

Magnus shook his head. "Without your intervention, I would be dead," he said. "You owe me nothing at all, and I do not wish for you to do anything you do not want to do."

Alice didn't answer, staring at him with the same strange expressionless expression she had that night sitting by the fire when she'd expected him to take her life. Was she still skeptical of his words? He wondered. Had he not done everything to prove his sincere desire to care for her?

"Will you join me?" Magnus asked, gesturing to the meal in front of him. "There is far too much for me to finish on my own." He watched her expression morph to one of surprise and confusion. She hesitated.

"Please," he insisted. "I would love your company."

It was another moment before a hint of a smile broke across her lips and Alice nodded, taking a seat across from him and accepting the plate he handed her.


Sigh....anyone else getting the feels? I mean their relationship developed so sweetly. Now that you have a clearer picture of Alice and Mangus's past do you feel differently about them? Of course, it doesn't matter much in the present ...Magnus is clearly in really bad shape:-(. Magnus was able to care for Alice when she was in similar danger, but what will happen now? Alice is not a sibla after all...there will only be so much she can do:-/ Next update coming on Monday. It's a very short chapter so you will get 3 chapters next week:-)

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