Chapter 3 (Edited) - Matchmaking 101

Start from the beginning

As if on cue, I stumble on my feet and fall flat on my face.

"Fuck!" I yell loudly as I try to get up.

And then the most cliché thing happens.

A hand stretches out before me. I blink at it wondering what I should do with it.

Slap it away?

Kick it away?

Kiss it away?

The last one enters my mind as soon as my eyes meets the person it belongs to.

Hey, I know, he's Chloe's. But girls, he's hot.

"Ryder?" I gape at him.

"Are you gonna stand or what?" He snaps at me.

Immediately I take his hand realizing that I was in no position to stand in my own. "Wow, aren't you rude?"

He narrows his eyes at me. "A thank you would suffice."

Ignoring him I continue, "Rude Ryder! Ruder! Hah! That's it! Ruder! I'll call you Ruder!"

If looks could kill I'd be six...No, wait, 10 feet under.

But as I'm more drunk than Nicki Minaj in her music videos, I don't give a fuck.

I'm going to say something about him being too grumpy when a hand jerks me back.

"Lisa! What the hell?" Sam asks me, her face a mixture of concern and amusement. "Tell me it wasn't you pole dancing on the bar."

"Don't be silly! You can't pole dance without a pole!"

My answer was apparently enough for her. "Geez. What am I gonna do?"

"Call Chloe!" I whisper yell at her and point towards Ryder that was leaning on a wall beside us watching everything with bored eyes.

Her eyes move towards him and she breaks into a grin. "When did you come?" She asks as she rushes to him completely ignoring my presence. Great best friend, right? Wrapping her arms around him, she pulls him into a friendly hug.

Ryder hugs her back lightly and grunts. "An hour ago, I guess."

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

For a moment, Ryder's eyes flickers towards me. "Well, I did enjoy quite a show worthy of being a Broadway."

I blush slightly as Sam laughs. "She's not always this stupid though."

Glaring at her I pull her back causing both of us to stumble due to my inability to stand straight. "Stop talking smack about me and go find Chloe!"

She looks at me sheepishly. " know...She.."

"Spill it!"



She takes a deep breath and replies, "She went home with Gavin..."

I gape at her. "Gavin? As in nerd Gavin? What the hell? Why?"

She shrugs. "Apparently they got to talking in physics class about some guy named Newton and know."

"What?! You were supposed to keep an eye on her!"

"Sorry!" She squeaks and quickly backs away.

I feel like pulling all my hair out of frustration. This seriously puts a damper on all of my plans!

I gasp loudly.

What about my godchild?

Sighing disappointedly, I throw myself on the floor.

Yes, I know not an usual place to throw yourself on but I'm really way too drunk to care.

Sam gives me a hopeless look and sighs. "Now who's gonna drive you home?"

"You?" I slur.

She gives me a regretful look. "Well...actually, I have some work."

"What work?"

"With people."

"What people?"

She glares at me. "Shut up, drunkard. It's important to keep me out of jail okay?"

I shrug still lying in the ground.

Heaving a sigh, Sam comes towards me and grabbing my arm, she pulls me up. "I can't even rely on hormonal Alexis because she's too busy banging her boyfriend!"

Pinching her nose she groans. "Fuck!"

"I can take her home."

Both of our heads snap towards the source of the voice.

I completely forgot he was standing there. Another sign that I'm hopelessly drunk - forget the presence of a hot guy.

"Really?!" Sam almost has tears in her eyes. "But we can't ask you that! It's too much!"

He shrugs slightly, "Not really. I was going to go home anyway so I figured it wouldn't hurt to do a friend a favour."

Sam jumps to hug him, "Thank you, thank you! Thanks so much! I owe you a lot!"

He smiles slightly, "No problem."

"No seriously! If I didn't think of you so much as a brother I would've kissed you!"

Ryder makes a horrified expression, "Well thank God you won't!"

After Sam yelling at me for a while to get myself drunk like this and giving Ryder my address she ushers us out yelling how she has some work. Whatever the hell that means.

"I'll drive your car since Alexis probably left with hers!" Sam yells as she throws me into the passenger seat of Ryder's car. Yes. Literary chucks me inside like a rag doll. My friends. You gotta love them.

Before I can reply Ryder has already gotten in and started the engine. I sink down in my seat and sigh.

Poor, poor godchild.

Author's Note-

Whew! What a long chapter! Please don't forget to vote and comment!

Love you!

- Z

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