2. Rediscovery

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Hermoine's POV:

I ran and ran until I could run no more. Although I was calm now, I doubted I could go back the way I had come. I apparated directly into the Weasley's household.

There was an eerie silence in the air that has been around for a while now. Ever since Fred's death there was just that air of desolation and gloom hanging there.

I heard some indistinct chatter coming from the dining room but I really didn't feel like joining in.

I slowly trudged upwards towards the attic, hoping that I would be left alone there.

Upon reaching it, I caught a glimpse of my old trunk. I knew opening it would put me down in the dumps but curiosity got the better of me.

As I clicked open the trunk an old smell wafted over to me. The smell of home, and the smell of Hogwarts.

All my memories came cascading down on me, flooding me with sudden emotion. Then the tears came.

I let them come.

Goodness knows how long I just sat there, crying my heart out.

Suddenly I came to my senses.

'For goodness sake Hermione, get a grip on yourself ' I told myself. I realized how selfish I was being, the Weasleys were probably worried sick about me, and here I was; drowning myself in self-pity.

I hoisted myself up from the ground and dusted myself off. There was now a great wet patch where I had been sitting.

As I gently placed the relics of old photos and memories back into the suitcase, my hand suddenly brushed something hard, cold and metallic.

I slowly eased it out. Almost there...just a little more... easy now....

"HERMOINE!!!!!!! There you are!!!!! We were worried to death about you!!!", Harry flung himself at me, his brow creased with worry.

"I'm fine!! You always were such a worry-wart." I chuckle and lightly smack him.

"FOUND HER!!!" , he suddenly bellowed.

I jumped about a foot into the air, clutching my heart. The idiot just smirked.

"Oh thank God!!", Ginny entered and gave a Harry a kiss.

"Eh." George entered and shrugged. " I still think 'Accio Hermoine' would have worked just as well."

I laughed and then went downstairs to attend to my grumbling stomach.


All through dinner, I was preoccupied with the nagging notion that I was missing something. Although dinner was great as usual, I kept spacing out.

My mind wandered to the day's events. I was almost irresistibly drawn back to the thought of the metal object. It had felt familiar as I had fingered it, almost as if it belonged with me.

By the time it was dusk, that was the only thing on my mind. I kept thinking I had gotten the answer but I hadn't. Even though I raked my brain for the answer, it always seemed too taunt me, dancing just in and out of reach.

In bed, I tossed and turned, but sleep wouldn't come. All I could think of was the object in the trunk.

At last, I could stand it no longer. I slipped out of bed and padded softly down the corridor.

'Lumos' I thought and got my wand tip to give off a soft glow.

As I got to the attic, I realized I needed no light. It was a full moon and the bright moonlight filtered through the window, lighting up the room.

A heavy ache settled in my heart as I thought of Lupin, Tonks, Sirius, Fred and everyone else we had lost.

I walked over to the battered trunk and finally pulled out the object that had been on my mind all day.

It's dull metal gleamed and winked in the moonlight. The crystal and glass reflecting the light and sending it bouncing and arcing all over the room.

I finally saw it and instantly recognized what had pulled on my conscience all day.



Hola everybody!!! How was that? I personally feel like this chapter was way better written than the previous one. What do you think?

Lotta feels in the next chapter guys..

As always, keep reading and loving


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