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When you find songs that remind you of Cinder and Peony for some reason and you hate it because they're nice songs but you cry whenever you hear them.

Song 1-

I never thought you'd be taken away,
Now it's cold without you here
It's like winter lasts all year
But your star's still in the sky
So I won't say goodbye,
I don't have to say goodbye

Song 2-

(Imagine this one when Cinder is visiting Peony in the quarantines, also- this phrase take place at a point in the song where the tune turns into almost a lullaby, instead of the pop/hip hop tone of the rest of the song)

Don't worry, I've got you;
Nothing will ever harm you
I'm close by, I'll stay here;
Through all things, I will be near
Close your eyes
Don't you cry
Love's around you;
In time, you'll fly

(I'd add more songs, but I'm afraid the others aren't in English😅)

Lunar ProblemsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ