Chapter 12

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Jimin: "Where is Jungkook?" Jimin looked around confused and curious.

Jin: "What do you mean? He has to be here." Jin walked up to Namjoon.

Jin: "Have you seen Jungkook?" He tapped on his shoulder. Namjoon turned around.

Namjoon: "Huh?"

Jin: "Have you seen Jungkook? He's missing."

Namjoon and the others looked at each other confused and they began to worry.

Jimin: "So, we have to find him." He stated.

Hoseok: "Jimin's right, alot of fans will be upset to find out Jungkook is missing."

Taehyung: "Ooh we're going on an adventure!" He exclaimed and clapped his hands.

Suga: "Lord help us all." He sighed and started walking while the others followed.

Taehyung: "Was it something I said?" No one responded so he shrugged it off and started skipping to catch up to them.

Gyselle twitched her eyes until they fully opened. She rubbed her eyes and stretched.

Gyselle: "Yes! Fanmeeting today! Woohoo!" She jumped up excitedly after remembering there was a fansign meeting today with Bts.

Alicia: "Bubu, I'm still asleep and I would like to keep it that way." She said sleepily. Bubu was Gyselle's nickname. Her siblings don't call her that though.

Gyselle: "Oops, my bad." She whispered and chuckled as she walked into the bathroom.

Gyselle was humming while brushing her teeth and she was singing in the shower and smiling while getting ready.

Gyselle: "Nothing is gonna ruin this perfect day!" She smiled really big it almost creeped Alicia out.

Alicia: "Excuse me..sorry." She tiptoed in the bathroom.

Gyselle: "Oh yea...sorry...I was.."

Alicia: ""

Gyselle: ""

Alicia: "Ok..."

Gyselle: "Yea."

After that very weird and awkward moment, Gyselle continues dancing and singing around the room.


Eleona on the other hand, was dreading this fanmeet. She knew that she had an EXTREMELY bad jealousy problem and the connection that she's gonna see between Jungkook and Angie was gonna hurt her even if she was in love with Baekhyun.

She got off her bed and started to do her morning routine. She took a glance at Angie who was still sleeping.

All I want is for Jungkook to be happy. All I want is for my sister to be happy. If their happiness is shared together, I'll support them to the upmost fullest.

She was brushing her teeth and she got in the shower but as soon as she got out, she heard someone's phone ringing.

She opened the bathroom door a little bit just to peek and see who's phone was it. It was Trinity's.

Trinity: "Hello?" She asked in a sleepy tone. Eleona kept listening from the bathroom.

Trinity: "What? How?" She sat up quickly with a shocked expression on her face.

Angie: "What's wrong?" Trinity's loud mouth woke up Angie but now Eleona is very curious.

Eleona: "Who was that?" She asked as she walked out of the bathroom.

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