"He Flew in, then Flew Away."

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A little girl in a bright pink dress comes into view. Her eyes a dark chocolate, pitch black hair dropping down to her lower back as it curled at the ends slightly. Her cheek slightly chubby but not too much. Her small and frail figure ran along a large field in a short white dress. A giggle escaping her small lovely lips as she chased after a small hummingbird happily. The bird check behind itself as it flew at a fast pace to make sure the little girl followed. "Wait Mr. Hummy!" the little girl chirped as she tried to catch the bird. "Mr. Hummy!" she squeaks then hears a males voice call for her. "Woody! Come on!" Woody looked up at the hummingbird as it began to fly away. "Bye-bye Mr. Hummy! I'll see you soon." She runs off waving to the bird as it flew away instantly.

((I'll write more later))

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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