Chapter 27

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Kyle POV

"You were being really serious back there." I said to Cynthia.

Her possessive mode was on. When her possessive mode is on, she goes back to the old Cynthia, temporarily. As for five years ago, she would literally beat up anyone who makes fun of the people she cares about.

"Well, I fucked up my brother's love life. How could I not be serious? You loved her too. I know how it feels to be heartbroken. I don't want you, or her to feel that way."

"Aww, you're a great sister. The best sister anyone could wish for, actually."

"And you're the best older brother."

"And Michael's the best brother, you said yesterday."

"That's not what I meant. Both of you are great brothers. I'm so happy to have two brothers who are with me. One treats me like his Mother, and the other, like an angel, excluding sometimes. What else is better?"

"Mother being here."

"Yeah." An awkward silence fell over us.

"Do you think I should meet her after school?"

"Really? You know that I'm going to say yes, even if you don't want to go. As I said yesterday, she is your girlfriend. I barely even know her. I just created the problem, and I am one step closer to making your relationship official, for a long period of time. It will happen. Trust me."


"No problem." I smiled at him. We walked into the classroom. I sat with Cynthia, and Aiden. We were happily talking about what Alexis is like, and what was happening since the past few months. Cynthia was really interested.

"Um, Kyle?" I looked to the side to see that a classmate of mine was calling me. I stood up, and walked to her.

"Yeah, Natalie?" I asked her. She was a kind hearted girl with black hair that came up to her shoulders, and she had baby blue eyes. A little darker than mine. She smiled, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"So, I realized that on Saturday, I really have nothing to do, and that would be kind of boring. So, I was thinking if you wanted to come to the movies with me. Are you free?" She looked up at me, with hope written all over her face.

"I would love to come, but the thing is that I have some plans with my girlfriend that day. I'm really sorry. I don't want to hurt your feelings, you know. I hope you understand."

"No, it's fine. It's just that I was really bored, and some of my friends were busy that day. So, I wanted to ask you, know you a little better." The smile was still on her face.

"Oh, I'm sorry I couldn't come. Well, have fun, at the movies."

"You too, with your girlfriend." I smiled, and walked back to my seat.

"What was that all about?" Aiden asked me.

"Natalie wanted to ask me to the movies, but I said that I had some plans with my girlfriend."

"Which means you're going to go talk to her after school."

"Well, let's just say that it was my sister's decision for me to meet her up. And you know my sister. Once she says something, you can't get away with it." He sighed.

"You fall in love with a girl, and she just starts ordering you to do things." He leaned back in his chair.

"I do not do that." She slapped him on the arm.

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