Chapter 24- Like Studded Diamonds

Start from the beginning

My crush carried bundles of fruit in his arms, looking as if he had entered some sort of food heaven. His everlasting grin emphasized his pure joy of taking on such a task. I couldn't help but steal glances at him every so often. Those auburn eyes that shone with joy gave me happiness, one that was hard to describe. Just being in his presence felt like home. Wherever he was, I could be safe.

"Hey Serena, that's a really pretty flower. It will look beautiful in your bouquet." Ash pointed out as he gestured towards a small blossom a few feet in front of us. I glanced up and followed his line of vision.

They flower was truly beautiful. An irregular seven petal flower that sprouted off a single stem. It wasn't a bush, just one single blossom. The petals were heart shaped, ranging from baby pink to a deep magenta. It soaked the Kalos sun in a unique way that left shimmers like small studded diamonds. I gasped, taking in the beauty of such a natural being, untouched by the hands of man.

Then I was hit by a sense of familiarity. I had seen that flower before, in my own back garden to be exact. By the time I was nine it had withered and wilted away but the sight was one that I couldn't forget. It was so unique that it's image had imprinted in my mind. And so had the story behind it, which made my breath hitch in my throat.


At the age of seven, the back garden was my favorite part of the house. I spent many afternoons dancing around the freshly cut grass while my mother watched from the door way, shaking her head and smiling at my enthusiasm. This particular afternoon was no different.

The flower was situated at the back of our garden, a single blossom just like one Ash had found. With the same appearance that captivated my seven year old self. I would often look at it but decided it was too delicate to touch. I knew next to nothing about the flower but that never changed the fact that it was my favorite. It's aroma was special too, something that couldn't be put into words but I could still remember it clearly. Possibly because it was so distinct. I had never seen it anywhere els until now.

"Mummy, what type of flower is this?" I finally asked that afternoon. The curiosity had been bubbling up inside me but for some reason, I had put off asking the question. Maybe cause I liked the fact that it's beauty was such a mystery.

My mother kneeled down beside me, admiring the flower alike. There was a special glimmer in her eyes as she recalled countless memories and old feelings. I remember watching her intensely and wondering what possible impact a flower could have on her.

"I'm not actually sure of that myself. I asked the same question to the old lady your father and I brought this house from. She didn't answer my question but simply said that it symbolizes undying love. That old woman was known to be a bit off the rails, but I believe every word of her tale. She said that there was a story behind this particular type of flower. That it sprouts where a strong sense of love is present, where couples share intimate or important moments. Or even appears where future lovers venture. I recognized it from when your father and I first met, in a flower shop. It was there then and now it grows in the garden of this house. Maybe, my dear, it will grow for you and a young gentlemen someday." She explained, smiling warmly. As a young girl, this story didn't particularly appeal to me. Though, even from a young age I was still a romantic, the last sentence made me squeamish.

"Eww, mummy. That would never happen!" I cried, throwing my arms in the air with protest. But no matter what story was behind the flower, it still intrigued me.

"You just wait Sere, someday you'll fall in love." My mother told me with confidence. I looked back at her, slightly perplexed. What I didn't know was that I had already met the boy I would fall in love with. I met him the previous summer. And my mother was right, I would fall in love someday. But that someday was sooner than expected. And my love wasn't undying but rather unrequited.

"Someday very, very far away." I replied.

End of flashback

Ash plucked the flower as I recovered from the memory. He held it up with pride, showcasing its elegance. He caught a whiff of its fragrance and I watched as his nose tingled in the aftermath. Clearly, he enjoyed the smell just as much as I had.

"Here," Ash whispered as he approached me. Gently, the raven haired boy went to add the flower to my bouquet but he paused just short. "Actually, I think that would be unfair. It will put all the other flowers to shame. How about...oh, yes!"

My crush reached over with the flower balanced between his fingers. His hands reached past my face and I watched, paralyzed in shock. Every fiber I contained went rigid. My eyes never left his. Never left his mahogany orbs. Ash's shaky fingers tucked the flower behind my left ear, perfecting it with a few flicks of his wrist. Once he was happy with the position, he stepped back and admired his work. Admired me.

A small smile crept up the jet haired boy's face. He looked generally happy but I could see a greater conflict behinds his eyes. A hurricane of emotions that he wasn't quite sure how to react too. So he continued to stare at me, studying every feature. I was crippling under his gaze. Our locked eyes made my stomach do unnatural flips. Soon it was too much weight to carry so my eyes dropped to the ground.

"Now, it's the perfect accent." He muttered just loud enough for me to hear. Yet, I could tell he was distracted. Something was spinning in that brain of his, something that detached him from the rest of the world. Just like Elaina had proposed earlier, he was distracted. And I wasn't sure why, but I had assumed it had something to with the concoction of emotions that boiled behind his eyes.

"T-thank you, Ash."

A flower that sprouts where future lovers venture.


Okay so this chapter and the next one were meant to all be in one chapter but figured that it would be too long. Plus I just really wanted to update so...

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