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    I walked in the house with curiosity and caution going through my head. Why are they home so early? Did someone pass away or become ill? Is today something special and did I miss anything important? What if they went for a walk and I am walking into a robbery? These and many other questions were racing through my mind!
        My mom was the first to see me "Cara, honey! What are you doing home so early?" She wrapped her arms around me tightly and then checked me for a fever. Apparently my mom had absolutely no idea what time it was.

        "Umm mom it is like 4:00 so I am actually late and you AND dad are both home very early." I saw the confusion pass over her face then the realization of my sister.
           " Honey, did you pick up Adrianna?" I decided to screw around with her so I decided on this tactic.

         "Wait! I was supposed to pick her up. Oh FUCK well that means since I get out of school at 2:30 and she gets out at 2:45 she has been sitting out there for roughly an hour and fifteen minutes. WOW I probably need to go and pick her up!"

          Just then a blond girl and a large dog rush us and I said " Well looks like Ploto got her instead."

        I told my mom in about ten minutes that I planned on taking Addie to the park to work on homework. She then bended down and picked up my sister and with the help of my father they started to swing her around in circles by holding under her armpits and wrists. I took this as my que to leave and I gave my mom a peck on the cheap, hugged my dad and decided to go upstairs to sit outside and enjoy the weather while it lasted.

        As I walked up stairs, with my dog following me, I heard my sister telling my mom about the new word she learned today who-monk-us.

Sorry guys I know that one was excessively boring  it trust me it will get a lot better. Right now all this chapter was was a filler and kind of a meet the family to figure out the personality. You didn't really meet the dad in this one but trust me you will get to know him as the story progresses. Please post comments and if you feel like recommending this to a friend please do. So rate, comment, and message me. Thanks to everyone who is reading this. Love y'all so much!!!!
#wattpad4life #CARA # Wattpadfamily

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