Vampire Ichimatsu x reader

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{this is my second one shot requested by my good friend trashy so let's get into this p.s picture on top does not belong to me}
You and your friend (Y/F) (aka your friends name) were walking home late at night, you were coming back from pachinko.

You looked up and saw that you were already at (Y/F) 's house, they looked at you and said "(Y/N) are you sure that you should walk home by yourself, it's pretty late" " (Y/F), don't worry I'll be fine" " If you say so" said (Y/F).

You watched as (Y/F) made her way into there house.

After you made sure they were safe, you started to walk again.

You were walking past a alleyway when you heard some cats, the alleyway looked really dark and you couldnt see the end...

But you couldn't resist cats.

So you made your way into the alley, you could hear the meowing getting closer, you stopped you saw a dark figure he looked..... BLOODY?!!

You looked beside him and saw a body a dead body, you fainted......

You quickly jolted up, you didn't know where you were, you tried to move your arms and legs but you were tied down on a bed.

You lifted your head up and looked around the room.

You were in a really fancy bedroom, like the ones you would see on TV..

Suddenly you heard the doorknob start to jiggle, and the Door opened revealing....

A man.... who looked about his twenties, and he was dressed really fancy.

"who are you"

You said shaking.

The man looked at you, and you could see a taint of red go across his cheeks.

"Matsuno Ichimatsu"

"w-where am I"

"your in my mansion" he said "when I first saw you I knew you would be the perfect bride (Y/N)"

'wait........WHAT' you thought, "ok first of how do you know my name and second of all what do you mean bride?!??"

"well to answer your first question I have been watching you for long time (Y/N) I also knew you couldn't resist cats and plus it's not hard to make cat sounds"

He said "and to answer your second question I've fallen for you my (Y/N),  and you may not know much about me, but I know everything there is to know about you, and beside you have no choice I already bit you... your mine"

You put your hand up to your neck.

You could feel two little holes, you looked up at him again and said "I guess I don't have any choice.. but could at least get to know you before, you know getting married and crap?"

"well I guess it is unfair that you know nothing about me so that's fine with have a year"

He didn't say anything else as he left the room.

you felt really tired "well this is gonna be interesting" those are the last thing you said as you drifted off to sleep.

{hello again my lovely readers I want to know what you think off this story or if there should be a part two? -Yandere karamatsu}
Word count: 537

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