Karamatsu x reader

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{ok remember guys this is my first time writing a one shot so please bare with me -love yandere karamatsu}
It was almost about 7:00 pm and you were walking away from the job you had just been fired from, you could feel I couple of rain drops drip down on your nose so you took out your umbrella and started walking to the park, you thought maybe a nice walk through the park would clear your mind, as you made your way there you thought about what your boss had said about you" y/n YOU ARE THE MOST LAZIEST OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WORK HERE!" " YOU ARE ALWAYS LATE!""y/n YOU ARE FIRED, GET OUT OF MY FACE YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT" the more you think about what your boss said the more tears slid down your face, you weren't paying attention but you looked up when you heard a voice say "~why hello there my Karamatsu girl" you looked up at the man who said this to you, and he was wearing jeans, a leather jacket, a belt with a skull in the middle and some cool looking sunglasses, so you said "hello um..Karamatsu? I'm guessing that's what your name is, right?" "~why yes my Karamatsu girl, and what might your name be" "y/n, nice to meet you" you walked a little bit closer to him, now he could see that you were crying " ~why are you crying my Karamatsu girl??" "just call me y/n, and I'm not crying" you said rising your voice a little bit, as more tears streamed down your face, with out saying anything Karamatsu embraced you with a hug " Wha-what are you doin-" "shhshshsh" said karamatsu
"y/n, let it out its ok to cry"...... He then backed away, but before he left he said " CHECK YOUR POCKETS" you did and there was a piece of paper that said " call me ;) xxx-xxx-xxxx" you blushed and looked up, karamatsu was gone, you smiled and yelled back " ILL CALL YOU"......

{tell me what you guys thought about this one shot in the comments, and also suggest what the next one shot should be about, gotta blast -yandere karamatsu} (wow 389 words) (credit to who ever my the picture on the top)

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