Chapter 6: Collin's P.O.V.

Start from the beginning

    "Calm down," she shakes her head, "and tell me where your house is."

    "Just take a left as you get out of the parking lot and keep going straight until you reach Alexmuir Drive," I mutter, leaning my head against the window. I'm glad she left her window down a crack so that fresh didn't feel so scars.

    "Thanks," I mumble as we're baking out of the lot.

    "Don't mention it. I was worried about you... You looked like you were about to fall down any minute..."

    "Really? Oh... sorry.."

    "Why would you be sorry about such a thing?" I don't answer her. Instead, I close my eyes and try to rest, try to get the aching out of my head. She doesn't say anything until we reach Alexmuir Drive.

    "Ok, which way now?"

    "Make a right, and then a left when you reach Crescent road. My house is the second last in the neighborhood." I mumble, lifting my head just a little. After a few turns, Ms. Sky parks the car outside my parents driveway.

    "I hope to see you at school on Monday, but if you're still not feeling better, rest and take the day off, OK?" She asks. I nod.

    "Come inside," I offer, but then I realize I shouldn't have, what was I thinking?

    "See you at school," I say quickly, and jump out of the car.


    "You're going to have to go, I'm way too busy tonight," mom shoves a bunch of papers into her bag, and starts out the door, but dad is quick and he locks it.

    "I went last time, so now it's your turn to take some initiative," dad grumbles. Tonight was Amber's school play and apparently, she was the lead character. Both my parents were arguing about who would go with her.

    "It's not that important," I hear Amber whisper from her place on the second, trying to be heard over the uproar my parents were creating. My head was already spinning from this morning, but now this?

    "Move, I have an important meeting to attend," mom attempts to push dad out of the way. In the mean time, I run upstairs as fast as my legs can carry me- which is more like slow walking thanks to my fever. I grab my sweater from my un-kept bedroom floor and trudge back downstairs.

    "Hey, Ambs, come on," I nudge her shoulder, "I'll go with you." She looks up at me and then at mom and dad.

    "You tell them," she nudges me towards them. I nod.

    "Hey, um, mom, dad? I'm going to take Amber to the play, so don't sweat it," I grab Amber's hand, and lead her towards the door. I don't bother waiting for dad to move out of the way, and just go around him. Neither of them say anything- probably not hoping to push their luck.

    "Are you sure you're OK to drive?" Amber asks, as I shut the front door behind me.

    "Yeah, yeah, I feel better then I did before." And it's true, I do feel better then I did before, not perfect, but there was definitely progress. I fumble with my keys and when I find the right one, I shove it in the keyhole, and throw the door open to start the car.

    "Get in, the door is open," I tell Amber, and she does as told. I lean against the side of the car for a while, trying to hold the moment as the sun was dying in the west and a soft, fresh breeze ruffled my hair. There was something that had been bugging me lately, and I tried to tell myself I didn't know, but I did know...

    "Collie! Come on, we're going to be late!" Amber yells from inside the car. I slip in behind the wheel and drive out, heading towards Amber's school.

    We arrive in a few minutes, and surprisingly, the drive cleared up my head enough for it to stop hurting. It was probably thanks to the wind that was hitting me as I sped down the road. Amber jumps out of the car and waits for me at the side lines.

    "You go to where you're supposed to, I'll meet you out by the car when It's over, OK?" I ask her. She nods and walks into the school building, throwing a wave over her shoulder. I stay outside, and watch as other people file into the school. Children holding their parents hands...

    "Collin?" I turn to the sound of my name being called, and I try to find the person..

    "Collin!" I watch a Kristen jumps out of the crowd and waves at me with a big grin on her face.

    "Let me guess, you're here because of the play, too?" I ask, crossing my arms.

    "Yeah," she nods, making a face. "My parents wanted me to come with them. What about you?"

    "Oh, um, yeah, my parents wanted me to tag along," I shrug, the lie slipping from my lips as if it was the truth. Kristen and I started talking a bit a while back, ever since the mix up between the desks. She watches basketball practises in the morning, which I'm accustomed to by now.

    "It's getting colder these day, right?" She asks, starring at me from the corner of her eyes.

    "Yeah, it is," I shrug. An uncomfortable silence falls between us as we both stare at the school entrance.

    "Well... are you going to go inside?" She asks, rubbing her arms. I realize this whole time she was trying to hint going inside....

    "Nah, you go ahead, I'll catch up later." She seems to hesitate, but then nods, and waves goodbye. Truth be told, I knew she liked me... or at least I was pretty sure, but I just didn't think of her that way... in fact, not to be rude, but I didn't really think of her as anything but a classmate..... After a while I decide to go watch the play inside, and funny thing is, throughout the whole show- don't ask me why- but I kept testing a single name to see how it would sound on my lips- Eva.

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