Mr. Grumpy Pants

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Sang didn't know if she should laugh or not at the unexpected noises and complaining coming from the kitchen.

"Luke, be glad North isn't here right now with you looking for chocolate, if you asked Sang nicer she may tell you where her stash is." Gabe yelled toward the kitchen door.

"You better not tell that idiot where chocolate is! He eats too much damn sweets as it is. His teeth will be rotting away before he realizes what happened if he's lucky before he is gets diagnosed with type two diabetes." A voice came from Gabe's hands.

Gabe looked down at the box with a frown on his face. Sang  had a surprised look on her face as she mouthed "North" to Gabe. His nod confirmed her suspicion that poor Luke was not going to get his desired chocolate fix unless she did the humane thing and just didn't open the box yet.

"What exactly are you in the mood for Luke? Because you are so right I have sweets stashed in various places. My boy.. ex didn't understand moderation and would eat it all so I had to hide them from him." Sang called into the kitchen.

"That's better than not allowing you to have any in the house at all, but can see why he's now an ex. The nerve of some ass to eat all your sweets. Glad you got rid of him. Now do you have any chocolate?" The voice from the kitchen still came.

Erica and Jessica were struggling to control the giggles that threatened to appear.  "I didn't know Luke was here too. I'm not surprised he's asking for chocolate, I am surprised he hasn't wiped it out yet. He must have been either sleeping or hiding with him it's the same in his mind I think." Erica said under her breath.

"Do you want me to come in there and show you where the good stuff is so Mr. Grumpy pants when he gets home doesn't know where the stash is and take it away from both of us."  Sang called into the kitchen but already starting to walk in that direction. Sang was thankful she hadn't sit down like she wanted to now.

A blond head peeked out the entrance way, "Yeah that would be great cupcake. Well, hello there sugar I might not need chocolate after all can I just taste your..."

"Luke! Quit flirting with Kota's girl. I know you think it will get you more chocolate but man so uncool it's almost like some unwritten bro code is screaming at you because you broke it." Gabe glared at him then shifted his eyes to Erica and Jess as a way of explanation.

"I know but think about it I get to flirt with a beautiful woman and get a rise out of Kota. It's a win win in my eyes. He knows it's just talk and so does she so I'm not going to stop unless one of them say something about it." Luke looked straight at Sang when this was said.

Erica and Jessica were no longer trying to hold in their laughter. Kota looked at his family with wide eyes and soon joined them.

Kota and Gabe suddenly look at each other and communicate something unknown with their eyes then stand up suddenly from the couch. "I'm sorry mom but I just remembered I have an appointment in just a little bit to make sure my throat is 100% healed from earlier. Can we stop by the house on the way home to continue this or even Sunday at dinner."

Erica looked at Kota with an odd expression but shrugged her shoulders. She must be used to things coming up like this all the time, Sang thought.

Rounds of hugs were given then the two women encased in perfume exited the apartment. Sang let out a deep breath she wasn't even aware she had been holding. She loved meeting them but they had given her a headache from the intense overwhelming aromas.

As Sang turned to talk to the guys she realized only Luke stood in front of her. She now understood why they rushed the women out like they did, their time was up. Luke was looking at her with a confused far off look in his eyes so Sang did the only thing she could think of to help. She marched over to him linked her arm in his and led him to the kitchen to show him where her stash of chocolate was.

As soon as the entered the room Luke exclaimed, "Enough I've waited longer than I thought I was going to have to. I can't take much more... need... chocolate... not... sure... if... I'll... make... it..." He put the back of his hand to his forehead in a mock swoon pose.

Sang couldn't stop the giggles from escaping at his antics.

"Oh hell no you aren't getting any fucking chocolate if I have any say in it." The voice from the living room called out.  "I never thought would hear myself say this but I be agreeing with West no chocolate unless you share or have it drizzled over body ready for me to lick off." Another voice with an accent called from the room as well.

Sang looked over at Luke with wide eyes. "Who was that?" She asked.

"That's my evil glucose deprived always suffering from low blood sugar making him as you so eloquently put it Mr. Grumpy pants but known to everyone else as North." Luke said as he looked around the kitchen. He hoped she understood but had to try so signed to her where is the chocolate?

Sang laughed signed back look behind the berry Cheerios there is a false wall it's in there just don't forget to put it back or he'll find it. Out loud Sang said, "No, not North, I was talking about the other voice."

Luke looked up from the Kit Kat he was about to devour. "Sang the only voice I heard was North's. Are you ok? Do you need a sugar boost I will share?"

Sang looked into the living room and said, "Who are you?"

"Мои самые смелые мечты сбываются, мой маленький мечт" (Your wildest dreams come true, my little daydream)


Sorry about the wait I have been debating with myself how I wanted this to play out. I may have another surprise or two coming up. I'll work on the next update and hopefully have it out soon if the real world will let me. If anyone sees any mistakes or problems please let me know I'm updating on my phone so not very easy to edit. Love y'all. Thank you all for your help and patience. <3 B

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