~Chapter 5~

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(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N?)" The woman from the counter calls. You walk to the counter and take your drink from her.

"Thanks!" You tell her and go back to sit down with your friends, already sipping their coffees.

Jack is looking warily at everything in front of him. You sit down next to him and lean on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. He looks at you with wide, scared eyes. You look straight back at him, making your expression as warm as possible.
He smiles back at you slightly and goes back to sipping his coffee.

The bell on the back of the door rings as someone walks in. You look up to see a girl with blue bowties in her almost black, amazingly curly hair.
She has long Doctor Who socks that sit just below her knees. She wears a grey to with a red flannel and black shorts.

She goes up to the counter to order her drink. When she finishes ordering, she turns around and sees you four sitting at the table. Her eyes open wide. She plays around with her hands, freaking out on the inside. She convinces herself to walk over to you.

"U-um... Hi! I'm Charlotte! But you can call me Ollie. I-I'm a big fan of you guys a-and I just wanted to say that you're awesome." She tells you all quickly.

Your smile warmly at her.

"Well thanks for coming over Ollie! You wanna sit down?" You ask, patting the space on the seat next to you.

Her eyes open wide again in disbelief.

"You're serious?" She asks meekly. You laugh and nod. She sits down slowly and carefully. You chuckle lightly. The guys smile at Ollie.

You all get in a conversation about memes, YouTube, TV and socks. Jack and Ollie both L O V E socks.

Ollie seems to have a thing for Jack. And socks.

Apparently, Jack has about 6 pairs of high-top socks, all that you have never seen or heard about ever in your entire life.

You are E X T R E M E L Y offended about that.


"How could you not know about my awesome socks!?" Jack asks. "I wear them all the time!"

"What?! No you don't! How could you wear them all the time if I've never seen them?!" You ask, more quietly this time, as you've realised that you're still in a coffee shop. Ollie is laughing her head off at this point.

"Ollie?" the woman from the counter calls, a coffee in front of her on the bench.

"Aww!" Ollie complains as she stands up.
"I gotta go guys. Thanks for-" She does a weird hand movement and balances on one leg, leaning slightly to one side. "- letting Ollie do her thing!" She says.

You and the others laugh.

"Hey it's no problem! See ya round!" you tell her. The others tell her sort of the same thing, just with different words. She blushes a little and smiles brightly at you all.

"Is Ollie here?" The woman calls again. Ollie walks off, a spring in her step from talking to you all.

"Hi! I'm Ollie and I'm just here for a good time y'all!" She tells the woman. The woman looks a little confused but still smiles and gives Ollie her coffee.

Ollie takes it and turns and waves at you before walking out of the shop. You all wave back and smile.

"What a cool fan." Jack says. You all agree and start chatting about random stuff again.

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