Fucking fantastic.

351 44 36

I just really
need support  right now.

I hurt my knee. Bad.

The internet  and my ballet teacher  (she took medicine courses and she's pretty reliable ) says  that it's either
A. Arthritis  (I wouldn't  be surprised)
B. Broken patella  (it's my falling leg,it's wouldn't doubt it)
C. Meniscus tears

Meniscus tear...its the most likely

It requires surgery.

I have competition  in a month I can't fucking have this right now. I've worked  my  entire life to get to competition  I
Can not. Have this happen to me now.

I'm a teacher too! No one else is qualified  to teach my class! Only me! My assistant  could take over I guess,  but she is not good with kids at all.

I honestly  don't know what is wrong or how I'm going to deal with this.
I just want to die.

Also, I started  my solo choreography. 
To Fake you out. I love it.


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