Part II: Valentine's Dance || Surprise!

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The couple on the bed jerked up in surprise, Rosie shoved the large male off of her and he lurched backward, falling off the bed, banging his head on her bedside table.

"Evan? Rosie! What the freaking hell is going on!" Emma shrieked again.

"What the hell, Emmy. Don't you knock?" Evan groaned, rubbing his forehead, and scowling at his little sister.

"Oh... oh, my God... Emma... shoot." Rosie had the grace to look sheepish, and flushed as pink as her dyed hair with embarrassment.

"No, I don't normally knock on my best friend's bedroom door," Emma retorted, glaring at her older brother. "I don't expect to find her getting her freaking face sucked off by my BROTHER!" Her voice rose and her skin darkened, eyes flashing with fury. "I can't believe you're screwing around with my best friend, and you won't even let me go to the dance with a guy! You stupid, stubborn, bone-headed hypocrite!"

"Emma, shush!" Rosie hissed. "Pops doesn't know he's up here!"

Emma turned on her. "And you! How long have you been messing around with my brother? It's gross, Ro. My poor, innocent eyes are forever scarred."

"Sorry," Rosie lowered her gaze sheepishly. "It just kinda happened."

Evan stood, adjusting his clothes and running a hand through his longish, mussed brown hair. "I'm gonna jet," he informed them, leaning down and placing a kiss on Rosie's swollen lips. Glancing at Emma, he grimaced slightly. "Sorry, sis. Rosie wanted to tell you, and I asked her not to-I kinda figured you'd freak."

"Yeah, well, finding you on top of her wasn't the gentlest way to reveal... whatever the hell this is." Emma wiggled her finger between the two of them. "I guess this solves the problem of Rosie not having a date, now, though."

"How do you figure?" Evan asked warily.

"Well, since you're dating, or whatever, you can take her, and I can still go with Brent." She smirked as his face contorted with irritation.

"Even if I did take her, you aren't going with that loser. Ryan can take you." It was his turn to smirk.

"Yes, I am. If you can suck face with my best friend, then I get to go the Valentine's dance with an actual date. And there's no way I'm going with that annoying dumbass." A sly smile made its way onto her face, and her eyes shimmered with mischief. "Of course, if you want me to go tell Pops what I just witnessed... I'm sure he has time to grab his shotgun, Ev. You'll have to make a run for it."

Evan's face paled. "You wouldn't."

Emma edged toward the doorway. "Wouldn't I? I don't know, Ev, I'm pretty traumatized right now. Besides, I think I'd love to see your ass shot full of buckshot."

"Emma, don't," Rosie pleaded, but Emma ignored her.

"Fine," Evan gritted out. "You can go with that asswipe, Brent." Emma smiled triumphantly, right before he added, "But I'll still be keeping an eye on you, and I will beat the shit outta him if he tries anything."

"Whatever," she glowered, "get out before I tell Pops, anyway. Asshole," she muttered, as he worriedly made his way out of the room.


"I cannot believe you're with my idiot brother," Emma groaned for the millionth time that night. The girls were in their pajamas, sprawled out on the living room floor watching old Disney movies, with a bowl of popcorn between them. Mary Poppins was currently playing in the background, and though it was one of their favorites, they'd hardly paid any attention to it. "This totally blows. I won't be able to tell you anything anymore."

"Stop being so dramatic, Lina," Rosie whined. "I'm still your best friend. It's not like I'm going to suddenly start sharing all your secrets with your brother. I promise. Sisters before misters," she pledged solemnly.

Emma sighed, "If you say so. But I'm warning you, the first time you betray me to him, I'm gonna have Pops shoot him in the ass."

"Deal," Rosie agreed, snuggling up to Emma, and leaning her head on her shoulder. "It kinda took me by surprise, too, you know. One day, we were waiting for you, and before I knew it, he was kissing me. I mean, at first, I was shocked, and I kicked him in the nuts." She giggled at the expression on Emma's face.

"You did not," Emma deadpanned.

"Oh, yes I did! I thought he was high or something." She shrugged. "Once he recovered, he used his words. Told me he'd liked me for awhile and wanted to know what it was like to kiss me. Which, by the way, he's amazing at that." Her face went all dreamy and Emma's lip twisted with disgust.

"Gross, Ro. I don't wanna hear that shit. If you're going to date my brother, I don't want details. Deal?"

"Yeah, yeah, fine," she readily agreed. So, Brent asked you out, huh?"

"Yeah, after school, today," Emma perked up. "He's so cute... and tall."

"Everyone's tall compared to you, Li-li," Rosie teased. Emma smacked her arm. "Hey, that hurt!" Rosie pouted.

"Whatever, don't make fun of me, then," she said, sticking out her tongue.

"Well, it's true," she defended. "You know, Ryan's pretty tall, too..."

"Gross," Emma wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Seriously, I don't know why everyone keeps bringing him up. He just likes to annoy me. That's it."

"If you say so," Rosie allowed, "but I don't think so."

"Ugh, just shut up about Ryan. I'm going with Brent. I'm glad we got dresses last month," she added.

"I know," Rosie agreed, "That purple thing is going to look freaking amazing on you."

Emma laughed, "I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight. I'm so excited!"

The girls giggled, gorging themselves on popcorn and peanut M & M's until late, finally crashing in a pile of blankets and pillows in the early hours of the morning.

Thank you for reading, please remember to vote, and have a great Valentine's Day!

Jessa xx

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