Chapter XIII-Intuder Alert?!

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Namaki POV
As we walk away from the gardens, Sting speaks up.
"Damn, master can be so intense. That hurt to watch." He says as he wraps an arm around my waist, I giggle and nod.
"Carry me." I say jumping on his back.
He lets out an 'oof' as he leans forward, balancing himself.
"Well it can't be helped Sting. There's a reason we are the strongest guild in Fiore." Lector states. I feel something on my shoulder, looking over, I see Polly asleep. I turn my head back around and giggle again and wrap my arms around Stings neck.
He groans in 'annoyance' jokingly as he puts his arms under my legs.
"This is what I have to deal with, Rogue." Sting complains, I smack him on the back of his head.
"Meanie butt." I pout and out my head on the crook of his neck. He chuckles and I feel the vibration through his back. Sighing in content, I close my eyes and smile and then fall asleep.

Sting POV
As I hear her breath even out, I know she fell asleep.
"Is this really how guilds work? She was one of us, wasn't she?" I hear Rogue say, with a frown. Look back to him.
"She messed up."I tell him "They say the weakest link would just hold us back" with that final statement, we continue to walk in silence.
"Did you hear? Namaki is gonna be competing from now on." Lector spoke and Stings face lights up.
"Hell yeah, now we got out five strongest together, we'll dominate the competition." With that final response, we continue to the inn.
Once we get to the inn, I walk up to my bedroom and wake up Namaki so she can get into something more comfortable. Once she gets in her pajamas, I pull off my clothes leaving my in my boxers, we get under the covers and I pull her close and we soon fall asleep.
Later on in the night there is a loud crash from downstairs, waking me and Namaki up, we shoot up out of bed into a sitting position. When suddenly Rogue burst through the door, ignoring her, Rogue tells me
"There are intruders downstairs." Quickly getting up, me and Namaki change, Namaki changing into something similar to me
"They must have a death wish." I tell Rogue. Once we are changed, we run down the hallway to the staircase. Suddenly, one of our guild mates comes flying through the wall. We stop abruptly and just see him fall to the ground.
Namaki sees this and helps him up, once he's on his feet, she catches up with us as we head to the lobby. Arriving there, we see Natsu attacking our members, almost blowing Namaki back from him crashing through the wall.
"Where's your master?!" Natsu seethes through gritted teeth. "TELL ME!!" He kicks one member straight up in the air, I pull Namaki to my side, shielding her from the debris.

Namaki POV
Soon enough, Master Jiemma confronts the fire dragon slayer.

"You dare challenge me?" Master says in a bored tone. I almost snickered at this guys idiocy.

"I came here to teach you guys a lesson about caring for each other, and not turning your back on one another!" He sates angrily.

'Is he talking about Yukino?' Rogue thinks.

'When will this guy lay off?' Sting thinks angrily. 'How we operate this guild is none of his damn business.'

The master and the fire dragon slayer start arguing, until the master sends one of his guild members

"Dobengal, deal with this intruder." Master states calmly as Dobengal appears in front of master.

"Yes master."

"What? Are you scared?" Natsu taunts master.

"I don't feel like wasting my time beating an insect like you." Master states angrily. "I am the master of this guild, so if you chose to fight me, you must prove to be a worthy adversary."
After Natsu and Master Jiemma little banter, Dobengal finally attempts to attack Natsu, but is quickly knocked down once Natsu hits him. My mouth goes open.
"But he was one of our strongest!" I exclaim to Sting. He just nods his head in agreement. Sting steps forward, I try to grab his arm but he moves it away
"Master, allow me." Master quickly sends him back to where he was standing.
Natsu's hand is then engulfed in fire and lighting, before I can move, Sting moves and pulls me with him. Once the dust clears, Natsu's hand was stopped before it was able to hit master.
"Lady Minerva?"

After the incident, Sting and I finally went back to bed. Thinking Sting was finally asleep, I start to take off my clothes and get in my pajamas.
Suddenly I hear a whistle. Startled, I turn around and my cheeks redden.
Sting smirks as he looks at my half naked body. I cross my arms over my chest and tilt my head down.
Hearing the ruffling of sheets I look back up and see Stings bare chest in front of me. I look up at him with slightly widened eyes. He leans down towards me, closing my eyes I lean up and our lips meet.
It starts out as a slow and sweet kiss, soon it turned into a rough make out sessions. I wraps my arms around his neck while his are around my waist, I pull his head down closer to me and he tightens his grip on my waist.
He manages to lock the door before i wraps my legs around his waist. He walks over to the bed and gently sets me down onto my back. Slowly he starts to kiss down my neck, trying to find my sweet spot.
I silently moan once he does, smirking he starts to roughly kiss and biting it, leaving hickeys. Before we go any farther, I push him away.
"N-not n-now." I stutter while blushing, he nods in understanding a lays next to me, pulling me to his side he nuzzles his face in my neck and whispers
"Goodnight sweetheart."

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