Chapter V-The Labyrinth

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(A/N: I'm really excited to start and write the GMG chapters! xD)

3rd POV

It's the night right before the GMG, the Sky Labyrinth.

"I'm so excited!!!" Namaki yells in the lobby of they Sabertooth inn, all the other members cringe at her loud voice.

"Geez, Ki. Calm down, you're bustin' my ear drums." Sting scolds Namaki. She pouts and puffs out her cheeks. 'Meanie.' She mutters.

"What'd you say?!" Sting says irritated.

"Nothing~~" Namaki gives a cute smile and giggle. Suddenly there's the sound of a clock. "Midnight..." She mutters, looking at Sting she says "Are you ready to kick some butt?!" Namaki yells with a big grin, Sting laughs and ruffles her hair.

"What'd you think?! Of course we are, and we're gonna keep our title as number one guild in Fiore!" Sting and Namaki do their secret handshake, and at the end they do a hip bump. In the background, Rogue just sweatdrops, while Frosche is sitting on his shoulder. Namaki and Sting burst out laughing. Once they calm down, they both wipe tears away from their eyes.

~~Skip to Sky Labyrinth~~

After constant begging to the master, Namaki was able to join her comrades in the labyrinth. On their way towards the entrance to the labyrinth, the pumpkin guy spoke the instructions of the labyrinth (I forgot what he says).

"LET THE PRELIMINARY ROUND...BEGIN!!" all at once, the 103 guilds sprint their way into the labyrinth.

~~In the labyrinth~~

As Namaki follows behind everyone, they continue running.

"Sooooo, where are we going?" Namaki breaks the silence, Yukino just sighs and is about to say something until Namaki interrupts her "Shut your mouth, say one snarky comment, and I myself will shove you out of this labyrinth. Don't. Test. Me." Namaki says darkly, and everyone shivers, Yukino just nods shakily "Good. Now, Sting. Where are we going?" He thinks, then points in a direction

"Thattaway!" Sting yells, I just chuckle "Let's go!" Sting starts to run and the rest follow behind. As they continue on, an alarm go off, and the labyrinth starts to move. "Let's go!" Sting yells and they continue onto victory.

(Sorry it's so short!)

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