At least I got to save a life.

Comenzar desde el principio

I reach the other side of the building and find an arrow pointing to the right. I don’t bother over thinking the possibilities of why that arrow was there, I just follow the directions. My hand flexes its hold on the revolver and I pick up the pace. There’s a thud coming from the second floor and I hear a single scream.

Immediately my legs take over and I’m running down the hall until I stop at another arrow which points to the left. I turn my head and see a ladder leading up to the second floor.

I walk over to the ladder and give myself a boost while climbing up. Before fully surfacing onto the second level I peak over the edge and look around the surroundings. It was dark but down the hall you could see a light and I could easily depict the sound of Victoria’s shoes clicking on the floor.

Once I’ve fully made it on the floor, I stand up and quiet my movements. I listen while walking down the hall towards the light source. Victoria was talking, rambling on and on while most likely pacing back and forth.

“They’ll be here any minute now. Don’t say a word, got it? I’m tired of hearing your mouth; don’t think I won’t kill you on the spot.” She says, stopping for a second and then continuing to pace. “Good thing I planned ahead.”

I quickly glance at my gun once I reach the end of the hall. I place my hand on the threshold and slowly bring myself to look over the ledge, just peaking in to get a view of Victoria and Blissity.

Victoria was standing with her back facing me, her hands were now on her hips and she was fixed on giving her full attention to Blissity. I look at Blissity who sits with her back pressed against the wall and her legs pulled in against her chest. Her head was hanging low, most of her hair was tangled and covering her face. She shivers and everyone once and a while she brings up a hand to scratch her arms which were covered in dried blood and scratches. To Victoria’s left there was a wad of hair on the floor, the same color as Bliss’ so it’s obvious how that happened.

I hear Blissity cry and sniff once, then look up at Victoria with unsteady eyes.

Slowly, I step out into full view but I keep my movements as silent as possible. Victoria starts talking again and I pray that she doesn’t begin pacing anymore. Blissity’s eyes look at me and she stiffens for a moment but just as quickly she fixes her expression and looks away.

Victoria must not have been looking at her at this very moment while speaking because she looks at me again. I gesture for her to remain silent as I inch closer, walking around a table which had a shot gun and needles placed on it.

Something about that shot gun rubbed me the wrong way.

I take one final step and raise my gun. I had to knock her out and grab Blissity while I still had enough time. Blissity looks at Victoria one last time and the room falls silent just as I step right behind her.

Before she speaks I ram the gun into the back her head and she falls the ground unconscious. Her arm twitches then goes limp and I don’t waste any time walking over her body and kneeling before Blissity.

“Can you walk?” I say softly, looking over her features.

Her face was scratched and badly bruised; her left eye was taking in the color of a dark bluish-purple. Being directly in front of her I could see all the damage she had to take in and her face was dried and pale from all the crying and weeping she’s been doing. She looks away from me, scared and hesitant.

As her head turns to the side I look at her cheek. Her cheek was cut from the middle all the way to the end of her jaw. Slowly I lift my hand up place it on her shoulder, she shudders and brushes my hand off of her. I turn and look at Victoria who remains unconscious but she’d be waking up in a manner of minutes, maybe even seconds. I didn’t hit her that hard, just hard enough to grab Bliss and flee.

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