February 2013

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February 2013

A pretty uneventful month except for your birthday. You want a reminder of what we did that day?

It all started with that stupid cake I tried to make for you. You walked in just in time to see me slip on the spilled batter on the floor and fall causing the rest in the bowl to cover me. You laughed at me and I stood there dripping in white gooey cake batter. I was shirtless and that shit was all over my chest. Although, now I'm used to white stuff on my chest ;)

But you forgot to put on clothes silly little Harry. So when I innocently licked some of the batter off my hand to see if it at least tasted good, your little man became your big man if you get what I'm saying.

I remember you licking my chest. I remember bending you over the table.

I think we both remember the rest.


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