January 2013

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January 2013

I was so mad at you. We were in the honeymoon phase, but you fucking kissed Taylor. I know I was unreasonable but I just loved you so much.

I know you were drunk and she came onto you but I don't think I ever stopped crying.

I remember seeing that picture, it made me think of the song that started this all.

Hey there Hazza, what's it like in New York City? I'm a million miles away but tonight you look like so pretty yes you do, but you are a fucking asshole too, you know it's true.

You came back to our flat the next week to find all my things gone. I was in the Bahama's with Eleanor. I came back and you begged forgiveness. I went to Doncaster instead. But when the paps photographed you crying after they asked you about me I came back.

I still loved you silly. I love you so much.



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