Part 2: A Risky Movement

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Snazzy is deep in his thoughts... He wants to ask Xahji so many questions... Normally he would just leave her there... But he felt it would be better to take her some place warm... Without hesitation, Snazzy extends his arms to pick Xahji up... He walks out from the restroom, expecting some of the school to still be there...

But?.. No one is out there... He sighs, heading out the school doors and down the footpath... Xahji then sparks, moving a bit in his arms, but she soon keeps dead still as she notices Snazzy carrying her... Now she wonders where he'll take her...

Snazzy reaches the door to his house as he slowly opens the door... He walks in, closing it as he lays Xahji down, comfortably on his couch... A glass hits the table gently as water fills the top... Snazzy heads off towards his restroom...

Suddenly when the sound of a brush is heard, Xahji shoots up carefully... She was so obsessed... And by obsessed... She had serious problems... If Goth knew about what she was doing, he would most definitely be angry with her motions...

Inside her pockets contained a vial of pills... She unscrewed the top, taking out a few pills... She crushed the pills into the water, using her finger to stir the water... Xahji rushed back, laying down in her same exact same position across the couch...

Some footsteps were heard, being followed by a little cough... Snazzy raised the glass into the air, just infront of his mouth... He sculled the whole thing, feeling a slight bit funny... Without any warning his eyes lost colour and he dropped to the ground, the glass shattering beside him...

Xahji x Snazzy - The Incident (CONTAINS LEMONS AND SINS)Where stories live. Discover now