Chapter 8: Rooftop Rumble

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"Who are you?" I cried.

"I am Peter Pettigrew!" he shouted. "A.k.a. Wormtail. I was hired by the Dark Lord himself to take you and this filth out!" He yanked Cassidy closer to the roof's edge. She softly screamed.

"Please!" I cried. "Don't hurt her!"

"He knows you feel for this Mudblood!" he sneered. "All the better reason for me to kill her!" He pushed her more. She closed her eyes, bracing herself.

"No!" I yelled. "Let her go!"

"Tsk, tsk, Potter," said Pettigrew. "Very poor choice of words." He let her go, the blade lightly caressing across her neck as she fell off the side of the roof, screaming in utmost terror.

"CASSIDY!" I roared. I held my breath and launched myself off the edge of the roof, zooming quickly downward, reaching desperately for Cassidy. At the same time, I had my wand in my other hand. I screamed, "Accio Firebolt!"

I felt my hand wrap around Cassidy's wrist, and then I heard the sound of my broom soaring across the sky towards us.

"Grab onto my waist!" I ordered to Cassidy. "Whatever happens, don't let go!"

At that moment, the feeling of the Firebolt was under us and we went soaring back up to the rooftop.

Pettigrew was still there, a look of fright on his face. He quickly Disapperated.

"Damn it!" I growled.

We landed safely back on the roof. At that point, the dog had completely changed back into Sirius. He was shaking. His long curly black hair reached the top of his shoulders. His ragged Azkaban clothes were stained with blood.

"So, you are the Potter boy," he said in a rather husky voice. I nodded. Cassidy peered anxiously from behind me. "You don't need to be frightened of me. I won't bite." He chuckled softly at his own joke.

She looked at me for support. I placed a hand on her shoulder and nodded, telling her everything was going to be okay. I heard her gulp anxiously as she stepped out from behind me.

"Harry...Harry tells me you''re innocent," she said nervously.

"He speaks the truth," said Sirius calmly. She flinched uncomfortably. "It never was me that did all those things I was put away for. I was being controlled by that nasty rat minion Voldemort had managed to find!" Cassidy flinched again when he said his name. Chills ran up and down my spine.

Those chills weren't from cold, either.

"I was told that Pettigrew was dead," I said. "I don't understand. How is he still alive?"

"He was never dead in the first place," said Sirius. I raised my eyebrows. His dark eyes turned to Cassidy. "Did you notice if he was missing a finger?"

"Yes," she replied abruptly. I turned to her. She was tracing along the cut on her neck with her finger, which was already trying to scab over. She was trembling with fear and cold. I wrapped my arms securely around her waist.

"You saw?" I asked her in a whisper. She nodded slowly, and then shuddered.

"You see," Sirius explained, "it was rumored that Peter Pettigrew was being hunted down by the Ministry of Magic because they knew he was one of Voldemort's followers. To believe he'd been captured and killed, Pettigrew cut off one of his own fingers."

"Ugh," Cassidy whispered, "that's horrid!"

"Pettigrew eventually found me," he continued hollowly. "Voldemort gave him strict orders to go after me, considering I had a connection with your parents, Harry." My eyes grew wide.

"Hang on," I said quickly, "my parents? You knew my parents?" A small smile formed along the black beard on his face.

"I didn't just know them," he explained. "I was your father's best friend. We were great mates back in school, but that's not the main connection I have.

"Harry...I'm your godfather."

My jaw dropped. Cassidy covered her mouth and gasped. My entire life had been filled with nothing but lies.

How could I have been sure he was telling the truth?

"W-what?" I choked. Cassidy had her face buried in her hands, softly crying to herself. I stroked her hair lovingly.

"I understand if you don't believe me," he said softly.

He picked up Cassidy's wand from the ground and pointed the tip at his temple. A long silver stream flowed from his head and into the wand. The wand tip glowed dimly as he handed it to Cassidy. She took it, holding it firmly.

"Use the Pensieve in Dumbledore's office," Sirius explained. "You'll understand soon enough." I glanced at the wand tip and suddenly, like a whisper, when I looked up, Sirius had vanished.

"Sirius!" I cried. "Sirius!"

"Harry! Look!" Cassidy shouted, pointing up at the sky. I looked up.

Around over a dozen Dementors were circling over our heads.

It was starting to get colder and the roof was getting slipperier. A Dementor suddenly appeared right in front of me.

The pain was unbearable. It was like I was being forcibly dunked into a huge bucket of heart stopping Arctic cold water and the water was slowly filling my lungs. I screamed as I collapsed on the ground. The image of my parents obscured my vision as the sound of my mother's screams flooded my eardrums. Over the screams, I thought I heard Cassidy's voice. She sounded distant, far away. I tried to raise my arm up, trying to reach out to her, grab any part of her so I'd know she was still there.

And then I saw brilliantly beautiful silver light. The Dementors scattered insanely across the sky as jets of a perfect Patronus shot out of Cassidy's wand. The doe pranced merrily across the bleak gray sky, sending Dementors higher and higher into the sky until they were nothing more than black dots against the clouds.

A cold hand touched mine. A crying voice spoke in utter panic. My eyelids fluttered and my lungs felt frozen to my ribcage.

"S-s-stay with m-me, H-Harry," she shivered, her teeth chattering with cold. "I'm gonna g-get us o-out of here!"

She probably Disapperated us off the roof, but I couldn't be sure because my eyes had finally closed and I was enveloped in darkness before I could say anything more.

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