Your Tempted/Chapter 5

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Ashley's shirt.
*☝Mature stuff in this chapter"
You have been Warned.

Ashley's P.O.V.
"I'm bored Ash, " I tell him.

"What do you want me to do, " he asked.

"Let's play truth or dare, " I love that game it's one of my favorites.

"Fine but I go first so truth or dare Ashley, " he asked.

"Dare, " I say because I love to do dares.

"I dare you to...... to smell me week old sock, " no please no.

"I would rather barf in my mouth and eat it." "Okay where's the sock."

The sock smell like shit.

"*cough* my turn truth or dare."

"Truth." What do I want to know.

I got it.

"What classes are you taking, "I asked.

"I am learning to become a mathematics teacher for 6th grades, " he replied.

"So it's your turn, " I say.

"Truth is dare, " he asked.

"Truth." just to play it safe.

"What classes are you taking."

"I am taking the vet class so truth or dare, " I say.

"Dare, " he said.

"Okay tempt me, If you can make me moan or any sexual sound you win but if I don't I win, oh yeah it is hard, " I tell him. He walks over to me and leans in and kisses me. Then he bits me bottom lip gently and pulls it back a little and releases. Then he starts kissing me neck and I feel the moan rise in my throat. I hold if back until he squeeze my ass and I couldn't hold it back.

He doesn't stop but I don't want him to. I bring his face back up to my lips and kiss him. He licks my lip asking for entry. Our tongues are moving in sync. He pulls away to breathe.

He looks at me and says, "Your tempted."

I look at him and say, "I know." Then pull him in and kiss him.

"What are you doing, " Sophie asked.

"Shit, " I mumble.

"Ashley I need to talk to you....... NOW," she said. I walk out of the room and shut the door.

"Yes," I say quietly. She looks at me like what the fuck is wrong with you.

"You just made out with my brother and all you say is yes, " she tells at me.

"We were playing truth or dare and it had gone wrong, I am sorry Soph, " I said.

"I question, are you guys dating, " she said excitingly.

"No, " I said being serious.


"but maybe that's how I want it I little bit, " my alarm screams.

I go find my Hillary, Trump, I don't want to live on this planet anymore shirt. I wear that with skinny jeans. Then I put on light makeup and grab my book bag.

Right before I leave I grab my hoody.

"Are you Ashley Gray, " I tall guy with brown eyes and brown hair says. He is cute. But I need to get my things for class.

"Ya why, do I know you, " I ask him.

" Yes you do we were friends in Jr. High it's Christian, " Christian says and I run up and hug him. We were best friends in Jr. High. Well till he moved I cried for weeks.

"I have missed you, where did you move too, " I say way to fast but I have really missed him.

"I moved to Colorado, " he says. "I was also wondering if you want to grab coffee at lunch today."

Omg did just ask me on a date.

"Coffee, ugh sure we can, " he looked at me confused. But he when with it.

I texted Sophie and told her I wouldn't be at lunch.

Where are you going? She asked.

Going to get coffee with an old friend. I told her.

Hey guys another bad chapter. 😂 But thanks for reading.

Who's team are you on Ashton or Christian? Tell me in the comments.

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Bye hugs and kisses
My name auto corrected to candy. 😂😂😂

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