Chapter 26

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About 6 months had passed by and life for Lyra couldn’t get any better. Nyx had recovered quicker than anyone expected him to and he was ready to join the castleguard. Regis was 10 months old and had practically skipped the crawling phase and was now walking. He would trip over sometimes but he was getting the hang of it. No new information had been made about Niflheim's next course of action but constant checks were being made at all times. As things were settling and the city was slowly thriving again, wedding preparations were underway.

Regis was taking his afternoon nap whilst Lyra and Luna sat and had tea as they spoke about the wedding which was only a week away. Suddenly, the doors opened and all the guys walked in. They all had been training and now that Nyx had full use of his legs again, he wanted to keep in top form.

“How was training?” Lyra asked them as they all dotted themselves around, sitting on the sofas.
Nyx sat himself down next to Lyra. “It was great,” he answered before leaning over Lyra to give Regis a kiss on his forehead. “I’m a little rusty but I’ll get there,” he said as he sat back up.
“A little rusty?” Prompto cracked his back before rubbing the back of his head. “I’m still in pain.”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” Nyx chucked as he took a sip of Lyra's tea.
Lyra giggled and then smiled. “So, we were talking about the wedding and guess who we’ve chosen to walk us down the aisle.”
“Who?” Noctis asked.
Luna looked at him and shook her head. “You have to guess,” she said making Noctis groan.
“Me?” Prompto asked hopefully.
Gladiolus sighed. “You’re one of the groomsmen.”
“Oh yeah...”
Then Ignis took a guess. “Regis?”
Lyra looked at him and smiled. “That’s correct. Don’t you think it would be so cute? My little baby walking down the aisle in his little tux and giving us away,” she said excitedly as she cooed over the sleeping baby.
Nyx laughed at her behaviour. “I think it’s perfect,” he smiled as he kissed the side of Lyra’s head. “Libertus said he’ll be back from Galahd in time for the wedding.”
“Well, he better be. He’s your best man,” Lyra said, holding his hand in her lap.
“I’ve already told him he’ll be dealing with you if he’s late.”
“Yeah, don’t want to get on her bad side,” Gladiolus chucked as everyone else laughed.
Lyra pouted her lips and frowned. “Hey!” she whined only making everyone laugh more.
“I think it's adorable,” Nyx said quietly into her ear, making her blush.
“Ugh, can you both stop being so lovey-dovey,” Noctis groaned, tilting his head back as he lounged on the sofa.

Suddenly, a messenger walked into the room, grabbing everyone’s attention.

“Your highness, a man is here to see you. He awaits you outside the citadel,” he informed with a bow.
Noctis sat up and looked at him. “Who is it?”
“Ravus Nox Fleuret.”

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense. Luna looked down, frowning softly hearing that her brother was there. Noctis stood and told the messenger to escort Ravus to the throne room before he, Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto left the room. Lyra was holding onto Nyx's hand tightly, not wanting him to leave so he stayed put.


Ravus stood at the bottom of the stairs as Noctis sat in the throne with the others sitting on the side.

“Why are you here?” Noctis asked, getting straight to the point.
“I’m here to join you,” Ravus answered just as straight to the point.
Noctis furrowed his brows. “Join us?”
Ravus breathed out but stayed looking up at the new king. “I’ve spent my life dedicated to working for Niflheim because of what happened in the past. I placed the blame on King Regis and Lucis, blinded to who the real culprit was.”
“It took you that long?” Noctis said not ready to believe his words.
“I know it seems farfetched. And I know it will be difficult for you to believe me. The man you rescued a few months ago, I first hand witnessed what they did to him. It had been playing on my mind a while before that, but that confirmed to me who the real monsters are; Niflheim.” Everyone remained quiet and listened as he continued. “I was young and weak minded after mother's death and they preyed on that. Luna was strong. All I wish is to redeem myself.”

Noctis looked at his friends, his new council members, unsure of whether to believe him. He requested a few guards to take him to a room and detain him whilst they discussed what decision was to be made.

While the meeting took place, Noctis came and spoke to Luna about the situation after explaining it to her, Lyra and Nyx. Luna wanted to talk to Ravus in private so he took her so she was able to. Lyra sighed and looked at Nyx, who was looking at the ground with a small frown on his face.

“Do you think he’s telling the truth?” she asked him.
Nyx sighed and leant back on the sofa. “I don’t know. For all we know, Niflheim could have sent him.”
“That’s true.”

As much as Lyra wanted to believe that Ravus had seen the light, she couldn’t look passed everything he had done. Suddenly, Regis woke up crying from his nap. Lyra picked him up and tried to hush him but he continued to cry so she started to breast feed him.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Nyx protested. “Someone could just walk in.”
“No one is allowed to see your breasts except for me. And the baby,” he quickly added. He then took off his jacket and put it over her. “That’s better.”

Lyra laughed softly as she continued to feed the baby. Nyx put his arm around her and she snuggled into him, resting her head on his shoulder.

“I just hope they make the right decision,” she said quietly.
“Me too.”

Soon, Noctis walked in again and groaned after seeing how they were sitting but he decided to ignore it this time. He sat down on the sofa opposite and explained that Luna had finished speaking to him.

“I just want to know what you guys think. What should we do?” Noctis asked.
Lyra sighed softly. “We obviously don’t know for certain if he’s telling the truth. But we think if you decide to trust him, we support your decision.”
“Luna seems to think he’s changed for the better,” Noctis added.
“If you decide to keep him here, I suggest keeping him under constant surveillance,” Nyx suggested. “Take away anything he can use to possibly contact Niflheim and keep at least two guards with him at all times. Is there any way he can prove himself?”
Noctis nodded at what Nyx was saying before answering. “He’s offered to assist us in any future battles against Niflheim.”
“Well, that will be useful,” Nyx agreed.
“But how did he just get up and leave?” Lyra asked. “Surely, Niflheim wouldn’t allow their supreme commander to return to the enemy.”
“That’s what we thought,” Noctis said. “The only thing we can do now is do as Nyx said and see how things play out.”
Lyra nodded. “Whatever happens, we’re here with you.”
“Thank you. Both of you.”

Noctis stood and then left the room to go and give his final say in the matter. Lyra looked at Nyx and he smiled to assure her that everything was going to be okay. His smile gave her confidence and she couldn’t help but smile in return. She put her head back down on his shoulder as she finished feeding the baby and covering herself back up. Whilst she sorted out Regis, Nyx's smile slowly faded into a frown.

My Princess | Nyx UlricOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara