Chapter 24

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Another week had gone by and Nyx looked completely back to his normal self on the outside. He still had to take medication and stay in the hospital because he was still recovering internally. However, he was now able to sit up, talk and feed himself. Everyone would come to see him one at a time. Although he wasn’t fond of Gladiolus before, he knew the sacrifices he had made for Lyra in his absence and the two became very good friends.

It was morning and Nyx had just finished taking his first course of medicine for the day. Lyra arrived right on time but she poked her head through the door and smiled at him. He looked over at her and laughed.

“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Someone’s here to see you,” she said before opening the door completely and walking in.

She had brought baby Regis with her so that father and son could finally meet. Nyx's eyes widened a little in surprise as he saw his son for the first time. Lyra walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. Nyx couldn’t take his eyes off Regis as he became a little emotional.

“I would like to introduce you to your father,” she said, talking to the baby.

Regis was still only a few months old, only literally having learned how to sit up by himself. He looked over at Nyx as he chewed on his hand, his saliva dripping down his chin. Lyra moved his hand away and wiped away the drool before handing him over to Nyx. For some reason, he felt nervous. He had never really held babies before, let alone his own baby. Lyra smiled softly and motioned for him to hold the baby.

Nyx held onto him and brought him closer, looking at his face. Although he had just met his son for the first time, he couldn’t help but love him. This baby was a symbol of his and Lyra's love. Nyx smiled widely as he held the baby to his chest, unable to believe how small he was. Regis looked at Nyx and put his tiny hands on his face whilst gurgling. Nyx laughed before placing a kiss on the baby's head.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you and your mother when you needed me most,” he spoke quietly.

Lyra watched with a smile on her lips as she quickly wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye. Regis gurgled more and tried speaking back which was just random sounds.

“I promise I’ll make it up to you,” he continued.

Suddenly the baby put his mouth on Nyx's face before trying to bite him with his gums. Lyra laughed out loud as Nyx chuckled, pulling him away from his face before wiping away the drool. He sat the baby down on his legs and watched him as he continued to make random noises. Nyx kept him steady with one hand as he wiggled his finger in front of him. The baby became intrigued and tried to grab his finger so Nyx put his finger in his small palm and he instantly grabbed hold of it. He couldn’t get over how small his hand was as he stayed holding onto his finger. He still couldn’t believe this precious little baby was his very own son. He silently vowed that he would always be there to protect Lyra and his son.

He looked at Lyra. “Thank you.”
“For what?” she asked with a smile.
“For giving me the most precious gift of all,” he said. “Your love. A family.”
Lyra smiled more. “Thank you for being my bodyguard,” she said talking back to when and how it all started.

Nyx smiled before scooting over to one side of his single bed before motioning for Lyra to go next to him. She took off her shoes before climbing in next to him. It was a tight squeeze but they didn’t care. She pushed the button so it would go back slightly until they could lay down properly. Nyx lay the baby down on his chest on his front, noticing that he was getting tired. He then put his arm around Lyra and under her head as she lay on her side, resting her head on his shoulder.

It had been way too long since they last lay in bed together. Nyx slowly rubbed her arm, making her relax more as his other hand was placed on top of the baby. Lyra pushed her fingers between his, locking them together over the baby who eventually fell asleep. Nyx placed a kiss on Lyra’s head before she looked up at him with a smile, his own eyes gazing into hers.

“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you, too,” she whispered back.

She leaned up slightly and pushed her lips onto his, Nyx quickly responding by moving his lips slowly against hers. They kissed slowly yet with so much love, overwhelming the kiss they had yearned to share for such a long time. After a few seconds, they both parted from the kiss and smiled softly.

“We should definitely consider having more children,” Nyx said making Lyra giggle and hide her face into his shoulder from embarrassment. “We make cute kids.”
Lyra lifted her head again to reveal her blushing cheeks. “Only once you’re 100% better,” she told him.
“Very well,” he smiled.

He pecked her lips softly before she rested her head down on his shoulder again as he wrapped his arm tighter around her. He looked down at his sleeping son with his and Lyra’s hands locked together over him. Lyra nuzzled her head gently against him. She had missed laying in bed with him and just cuddling. They stayed there for as long as possible until they were disturbed by a visitor causing Lyra to jump out of bed in embarrassment and Nyx to groan since he just wanted to hold her.


Later on in the week, Nyx was ready for therapy. He was only on pain killers now and just needed to bring the strength back into his legs. Noctis volunteered to babysit whilst Lyra went to the hospital again to help Nyx. He was taken on a wheelchair to the therapy room and was made to stand whilst holding onto the parallel bars. Lyra could see his legs shaking as he tried to walk. It didn’t hurt him, he just had no strength in them. They felt like jelly to him. The therapist observed him, seeing that he was struggling before jotting down some notes. Once he had walked up and down a few times, Lyra helped him back in the wheelchair before the therapist began to speak.

“You’ve done really well,” he said with a smile. “You should be able to walk without any help soon so long as you keep coming to your appointments.”
“I will,” Nyx said.
“I’d say the moment you’re ready for crutches, you’ll be ready to be discharged and you can go back home,” the therapist added before showing them out and back to their room.

Lyra pushed the wheelchair into the room and then she and the therapist helped Nyx back onto the bed. The therapist soon left and Lyra sat down on the bed next to him.

“I can’t wait for you to come home,” she said quietly.
He took her hand and kissed it gently. “Me neither. But I’ll be home soon.”

He moved over and pulled her hand gently so she would lay down beside him. He turned to his side and wrapped his arms around her, her own arm wrapping around his waist as she snuggled into his chest. She tangled their legs together and he smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead before resting his chin on her head. Not before long, they had both fallen asleep.


A couple of days later, Nyx was able to walk with the help of crutches. He was soon quickly discharged and Lyra called Noctis to give them the news. Libertus insisted on being the one to collect him and drive them home which everyone readily agreed to knowing their history. Lyra already had some of his clothes packed from the day before seeing how quickly he was recovering.

He had finished changing and Lyra helped him put on his shoes, ignoring his earlier protest for her not to. He sighed in defeat as she helped him stand on his crutches. She straightened out his t-shirt and smiled.

“How do you feel?” she asked.
“Glad to be getting out of here,” he said as he looked down at her.

She smiled more and leaned up, kissing him softly as she placed one side on his face and the other on his chest. He closed his eyes and tilted his head into the kiss, deepening it slightly and moving his lips more passionately.

“How comes you two are always kissing when I walk in?”

Lyra quickly parted from Nyx and turned to see Libertus at the door with a disgusted expression. Nyx chuckled whilst Lyra hid her blushing face behind him.

“Well, maybe you should knock first,” Nyx said.
Libertus walked over and they both held each others forearms in a brotherly greeting. “Just pumped to finally get you out of here.”
Lyra reappeared from behind Nyx. “Well then, we better get out of here.”

She quickly went over to grab the bag she had packed for Nyx but Libertus took it off her, telling her to walk with Nyx. She smiled as she went over and helped Nyx walk out of the room, following behind Libertus. They thanked the doctors and everyone else who had helped over the past few weeks and they were soon out of the hospital. Nyx couldn’t help but smile after finally being out of the hospital and being able to step out into the open world.

They were immediately on their way back to the citadel. It took him some time to walk up the steps since he was still getting used to the crutches but they got there eventually. Libertus again led the way towards the dining room and opened the door for them to enter.

As soon as Nyx walked in, he was greeted with cheers and whistles. He was overwhelmed when he saw all the balloons and decorations with a banner saying ‘Welcome Home' over the table. Noctis, Luna, Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto were all clapping. Lyra didn’t even know about this surprise either. They even had a cake. Lyra walked with Nyx towards the table and helped him sit down and Luna handed him his son.

“Thank you, everyone,” he said with a smile as he held Regis. “And thank you for rescuing me.”
“You can’t be the hero all the time,” Libertus chuckled.
Noctis walked over to him. “You protected Lucis. It was the least we could do.”

Nyx smiled and suddenly, Regis again tried biting his cheek making everyone laugh. Nyx wiped his cheek and laughed, placing a kiss on his son’s cheek before looking up at Lyra, motioning for her to lean down. Thinking he wanted to tell her something, she bent down but instead he kissed her cheek as well. Prompto quickly took a picture before wolf-whistling, making Lyra blush deeply.

“I wouldn’t be here without you, Lyra,” he said quietly.
Lyra smiled softly. “Well, you wouldn’t leave me alone so I had no choice,” she joked. Nyx looked at her confused making her giggle. “I’ll tell you about it later,” she said before standing up straight again.

Prompto insisted for them to cut the cake and the celebration of Nyx's return began.

It got quite late and it was time for Nyx to take his medicine and rest. Even after Lyra's protest, Noctis and Luna decided to keep Regis for the night saying she and Nyx needed to spend at least one night alone so they could spend time with one another. Lyra soon gave in and prepared a bottle of milk in case he woke up crying at night.

Nyx was in bed, sitting up with his back against the headboard. Lyra got changed into her night dress before sitting on the edge of the bed beside him. She gave him his medicine with some water, putting the glass down once he was done.

“So, are you gonna tell me about what you said earlier?” he asked.
Lyra looked at him before taking hold of his hand. “Well,” she breathed out quietly. “I kept having dreams about you. I used to dream about you anyway but these ones were different.”
“How?” he asked gently squeezing her hand.
“At first I could just hear your voice. You were calling me and kept telling me to find you. It happened a lot to the point where I was afraid to sleep because I could hear you screaming.” She looked down at her lap. Recalling the dreams brought tears to her eyes. “Then they became more vivid. I started seeing you properly in my dreams but also whilst I was awake.” Nyx looked at her with a small frown, seeing how much it affected her. “I was hallucinating and I could see you right in front of me. I tried following you. Gladio once found me running down the halls because I was convinced you were there.” A tear fell from her eyes and she quickly wiped it away. “Everyone thought I was going crazy. I even thought it myself. They wanted me to see a psychiatrist but I knew something else was happening. For some reason, I knew you were alive. And somehow I managed to convince everyone.”
“You know what’s weird?” he said, making her look at him. “When I was brought back, I knew something was wrong. I remember trying to call for you. I remember becoming a monster but all I could see was you. Then everything got worse. But you found me in the end.”
“Our hearts really are connected,” Lyra said with a small smile.
“As cheesy as that sounds, it’s true,” Nyx laughed.
Lyra smiled more and stroked his cheek. “I’m sorry I took so long.”
“Don’t be. You came for me and that’s what matters.”

She soon joined him under the blanket as he laid down and she rested her head on his chest. His arms wrapped around her and she traced random patterns with her finger on his chest until a question came to mind.

“How were you brought back?” she asked. “Not that I’m complaining or anything.”
Nyx chuckled at her last statement. “I’m honestly not sure. I only recall seeing the chancellor.”
“Ardyn...” Lyra sighed. “I suppose I should thank him. And then I’ll punch him in the face. But let’s not talk about this anymore. I just want to focus on you.”

Nyx smiled and lifted her onto him so she was laying completely on top of him, his arms wrapped around her back. She smiled softly at him and stroked the backs of her fingers across his cheek. She just hoped all of this wasn’t a dream. But if it was, she didn’t want to wake up. Nyx lifted one of his hands and brushed back some of her hair behind her ear.

“You’re more beautiful than I remember,” he said quietly.
Lyra blushed and kissed the tip of his nose. “Thank you, my handsome hero.”

He placed his hand on the back of her head, bringing her down before kissing her lips deeply. She returned the kiss, her lips moving more passionately against his whilst he gently clutched onto her hair. She had missed his touch, his lips on hers, the sound of his voice, the look in his eyes. Everything. And the emotions behind their love had grown so much more. A few minutes later, she pulled her lips away much to Nyx's disappointment.

Lyra laughed softly. “You need to get some sleep. You have to wake up early to eat and take your medicine.”
Nyx groaned. “You’re more strict than I remember, too.”

She laughed again before climbing off him and laying down at his side. He turned to face her and held her in his arms as she nuzzled into him. He placed one last kiss on her head as he closed her eyes, relaxing as she rubbed her hand up and down his back. Soon, they both fell asleep feeling as though they were finally home.

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