Chapter 12

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Nyx had left late in the night as he was on guard duty on the day of the signing ceremony. A few hours after he had left, Lyra had began to feel sick again causing her to wake from her sleep and throw up. It was almost daylight outside and she wondered what could have been wrong with her. She had a vague idea of what it could have been. But...

“Maybe...” She looked in her bathroom mirror after washing her face. “Am I...?”

She shook her head at the idea and sighed. She knew she would have to speak to Nyx about it in case it was a possibility. And if she was, they would definitely need to speak to King Regis about their relationship. She looked down at her hand, admiring the ring Nyx had given to her. It still felt like a dream that she was engaged to him.

She sighed and then lay in bed. It was the day of the signing ceremony and she would later have to join her father as he signed the treaty with Emperor Aldercapt.

Not long after, she decided to get up and get ready for the day. Nyx was standing guard outside the citadel. Crowds had gathered for the historic day which was to start in a few hours time. As Nyx paced on top of the stairs, a call came on his radio frequency.

“Nyx, is the Princess with you?” came Pelna's voice.
“Which one? There’s two of them now,” he asked.
“I’m talking about Lady Lunafreya. Is she with you?”
He continued to walk, looking down at the gathered crowds. “No. I’m on duty at the citadel.”
“Well, the Niffs just left for the ceremony. And she wasn’t with them,” he informed.

Nyx frowned at the information he had received, realising what was going on. He quickly ran inside and made his way to Lyra's room. Without knocking, he entered and saw her sitting at her dressing table brushing her hair. She looked at him as he walked in and she stood up, surprised to see him.

“Nyx? What’s going on?” she asked, noticing he looked a little stressed.
He went up to her and grabbed her hand. “We have to go. Now.”
She looked at him confused. “What? Why?” Without answering her, he began to pull her with him out the door. “Nyx!”
“I’ll explain on the way. Just come with me,” he told her.

Lyra became worried as he literally ran with her hand in his, weaving through the people on the streets who took no notice of them. He told her that Luna wasn’t with the Niflheim contingent and he feared she was kidnapped. He walked into his apartment and made her sit on the bed.

“You’ll be safe here,” he said.
Lyra furrowed her eyebrows and stood up. “I can’t stay here. I need to be at the ceremony.”
“No, Lyra. You have to stay here.”

Before she could argue back, he held the back of her head and kissed her deeply and quickly, but it was long enough to distract her as he swiftly locked a handcuff to her wrist with the other side attached to his bedframe. She quickly pulled away once she felt the cold metal on her wrist, looking down to see that she was trapped.

“What are you doing?!” she shouted at him as she wiggled her arm about making the cuffs clang against the bedframe.
Nyx looked at her before whispering. “I’m sorry.”

Without wasting another second, he grabbed Crowe’s watch that was on his desk and ran out of his apartment, slamming the door closed and leaving Lyra alone.


She called out to him desperately but to no avail. After a few moments, she gave up and huffed. She couldn’t understand what had gotten into him and why he would lock her in here. She knew he was just trying to keep her safe but surely she would have been safe in the citadel. Breathing deeply, she calmed herself down and decided to think things through step by step. The first course of action was to try and take off the damn handcuffs. She looked around her surroundings to try and find something to pick the lock but there was nothing.

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