"Don't leave me on my own Ivan, please. Everyone is looking at me and i don't want to be on my own with these people" I plead. Grabbing hold of my warm bread roll, squeezing it to death.

"I'll be back"

Thanks for that terminator! I watch as the two of them stride confidently down the isle.

Just relax Rogue, don't panic alright. Just breathe and don't make any sudden movements otherwise they might attack you and rip your heart out through your throat and stomp on it.


I shudder and my sinister thoughts and readjust my sitting position.

I focuses every single inch of my attention into the warm bread that had been slightly squashed under my grip.

My left leg began to vigorously bounce up and down. It was the most an going and irritating habit of mine but I really had zero control over it.

Now that Ivan had left people were making zero effort to hide the fact that they were gawking at me. I must of looked a little strange, dark circles under my eyes, messy birds nest on my head, I was sat at the end of a large table not talking to anyone whilst eating a bread roll.

Creepy right?

Do something Rogue! Don't just sit here! I mentally spoke to myself.

Before I really had time to think my intentions through I was up on my feet and walking towards the fruit table located at the OTHER SIDE of the hall!

Nice one Rogue, that's a good 2 minute walk. For you so much could go wrong in such a short amount of time.

My feet were working at a very fast speed and I had reached the fruit in half the time I expected. I grabbed a small shiny white bowl and filled it right to the top.

I didn't want to look like a greedy pig and I really didn't want to look like I was picky by taking a small amount. I was definitely over thinking everything by now but I was trying to busy myself until Ivan returned.

Picking up a stainless steel fork I faced the impossible challenge of walking back to my seat. This could go one of many ways, I could trip and fall dropping the content of my bowl onto the floor, I could fall flat on my face or I could return to my seat without any damage being done.

But like I said, I have a tendency of messing things up.

I gripped the bowl tight and moved at a steady pace.

Yes! Yes! I'm almost there!


The fruit came tumbling to the ground and I followed shortly. I didn't trip and I didn't fall.

I was pushed.

The hall erupted into a storm of laughter, I was about to puke at this point. My heart was in my mouth and my stomach had exploded.

Quickly standing to my feet I wipe the squashed strawberries from my hands and shake off the mushy grapes.

"What was that for?" I question not sounding angry at all.

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