Chapter 18: An old friend

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  I thought today was going to be a typical day. You know,we woke up,had breakfast.
- Simon. - Raphael said,while we were just sitting on the couch,watching TV.
- Yeah,boo? - I looked at him.
- Today an old friend of mine is going to come over. I hope you don't mind. I haven't seen him in ages.
- Have you told me anything about him?
- No. His name is Andrew. We were best friends before we both got turned into vampires. Which was long,long time ago. We still communicate sometimes but you know - the life of a vampire isn't that easy. So we don't see each other very often.
- I see.. But.. You're just friends,right? - I asked.
- Oh,silly Simon. - he said. - If I had any different feelings for him I would be his boyfriend right now,not yours.
I smiled slightly and nodded. Then he kissed me gently and took my hand in his.
- You're all that matters to me.
He didn't go to change his clothes or did anything special. I guess they're really comfortable,they must be good friends. We kept on sitting on the couch and later we heard the doorbell.
- I'll go to my room, I'll let you see each other in peace. I don't want to bother you,he probably misses you. - I smiled slightly.
- No, I want to introduce you. Stay. - he said as he went to open the door.
I just nodded and waited to see him.
Raphael opened the door and a boy with blond hair and blue eyes came in.
- Raphael! - he said. Then he hugged him.
- Handsome as always. - he added.
What a gay...

  - Andy! Long time no see. -Raphael said. 

- Yeah,right?
The boy was smiling but then he looked at me.
- Oh,I see a new face. I don't think I know you. - he said as he shook my hand. - I'm Andrew. Nice to meet you.
- I'm Simon. Nice to meet you too. - I smiled.
- Is he one of your slaves? -Andrew asked Raphael.
Then my smile disappeared.
- Uhm,no. He's my boyfriend,actually. - Raphael corrected him.
Andrew looked awkwardly at me but then he faked a smile.
- That's great. I wish you two everything best!
- Thanks. - I said. - Raphael,I'll go now.
Raphael tried to protest but I walked away before he could say anything. I could say Blondie was happy to see me leave.
Whatever,I shouldn't be jealous. I believe Raphael.
Yeah,I thought so but here I am now,2 hours later,walking through the hall quietly,on my way to the living room.
I wanted to hear something from their conversation. Anything,really. I want to know what they're talking about. I guess they were in the kitchen because I couldn't hear them. I walked in the living room quietly,hoping they won't see me. Luckily, I could hear them talking.
- I'm so happy we're talking again. - Andrew said. - The life of a vampire without his best friend is so boring.
Nothing bad for now.
- Your boyfriend.. Is he a vampire?-then he asked.
- No. He's a human. - Raphael said.
- A human?! Why are you with a human?
- Because I want so. Is that a problem,Andy?
- No..
He got quiet but then he kept on talking.

  - You know he will die someday,right? - he asked Raphael. - And you won't. You'll be alive forever. 

I looked through the door,I had to see what was going on.
Andrew wrapped his hands around Raphael's waist.
- You know we can be together,right? Leave that worthless human being. He isn't good enough for you. Come with me. We can be together again. This time,something more than friends.
- Get off of me,Andrew.- Raphael pushed him away. - Is this why you came here?
- I've always wanted to be with you. Admit it,you want me too.
This is the end.
I entered the kitchen.
- Stop this,now! - I shouted at Andrew.
- Stay away! - he said.
I pushed him away and stood in front of Raphael.
- He is mine. - I said. - Fight me,if that's what you want. I don't give a fuck if I'm weaker than you.
- You think you're so strong.. Why are you so brave,huh?
He grabbed my hands so I couldn't move and leaned in to bite my neck. I couldn't move.. Then I felt Raphael push his away.
- Get away! - he shouted.
Raphael pushed Andrew away.
- Get the fuck away! Now! Leave my house! - he kept on shouting.
- You're making a mistake, Raphael.
- Don't make me repeat myself. Leave now,save your pretty face before I punch it.
Andrew wanted to say something but he just gave us an annoyed look and left.
I grabbed Raphael's hand.
- I can prove you I'm better than him.
Then I walked up the stairs,going into my room,holding his hand.  

A/N: I'm such a little bish, I don't upload for days and when I come back,I post dramas. (': Hopefully I'll update tomorrow. Wait for something exciting. ;) x 

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