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The Beauxbatons Academy of Magic (French: Académie de Magie Beauxbâtons) is a magic school first introduced in Goblet of Fire. Beauxbatons has a history that goes back at least 700 years, when it first began participating in the Triwizard Tournament.

The Academy is housed in a glittering palace in France. The food, at least according to Fleur, is delicious. Students wear blue and grey silk uniforms. Rather than suits of armour, statues of ice that glitter like diamonds during the Christmas season flank the halls of Beauxbatons. While only female students of Beauxbatons are portrayed in the film, the books mention that the school is co-ed, as Hogwarts students Parvati and Padma Patil are asked to dance by two Beauxbatons boys at the Yule Ball.

Goblet of Fire states that Beauxbatons Academy owns a large carriage the size of a house flown by horses whose hooves are as big as dinner plates; it can accommodate a large party of students and their half-giant (according to Hagrid) headmistress. The carriage is pale blue and has the Beauxbatons coat of arms on it (two crossed, golden wands, each emitting three stars).

The phrase beaux bâtons literally means "beautiful wands" in French, but in a more common language would be translated as "beautiful sticks".

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