There was no way my plan could possibly back fire, it was foolproof. I mean, I've seen Dad use his glaring interrogation method on El and Sammy when they were little, hell he even used it on me. His method worked every single time he used it. I figured it worked for him, so why couldn't I use it on El now?

"She could end up doing the exact opposite of what you want, by keeping her lips sealed and not wanting to tell us anything."Sam answered as he tried to get me to change my mind.

"Then what do you suggest, Professor?"I asked sarcastically while staring at him with my eyebrow raised.

"We should give her space, give her some time, let her come to us when she's ready."Sam suggested with a nod.

"Space? Give her time? Somethings tellin' me that waiting too long could be a very bad thing."I explained while staring at him. I had a strong gut feeling about this and I just wanted to make sure nothing bad happened to her.

"Just listen and give her space, you don't want to attack her with so many questions that you end up pushing her away. It's what Dad used to do to me..... I don't want her feel like that, I want her to come to us when she's ready to tell us herself. You don't want to push her away, do you Dean?"Sam said as he showed me his puppy dog eyes.

I really hate it when he does that and the fact that he taught El how to use that against me ever since she was two years old. It always used to work for him and El when they were little and damn it looks like it's friggin' working right now.

"No, I don't wanna push her away."I grumbled while staring over at El with concern. Then I sighed in frustration while turning to look back at Sam.

"All right, fine Dr. Phil, we'll try it your way, but if it doesn't work out, we'll do it my way, okay?"I said in a serious tone with my brow furrowed.

"Sure, okay."Sam instantly responded with a nod.

"Things used to be so much easier when she was little."I stated while looking over at her with smile as I remembered how she would always tell me everything when she was younger.

"Yeah, but she's not a baby anymore Dean."Sam replied with his eyebrow raised. I knew he was right, but I still wished she would confide in me like when she was little.

"I know, but no matter how old she gets, I'll never stop watchin' out her."I responded while glancing over at her.

"I'm with you on that, I'll never stop watchin' out for her too."Sam agreed with a slight smile as he looked over at El.

"You know the same goes for you too Sammy."I said while glancing over at Sam with a smirk on my face.

"What?"Sam chuckled with a grin.

"No matter how old you get, I'll never stop watchin' out for you too, cause I wouldn't be doin' my job as your big brother if I didn't keep you two out of trouble. Despite how annoying you two may be a lot of the time."I explained while glancing over at him with a slight smile.

"Really, cause you're annoying too."Sam said with his classic bitch face.

"Oh, good comeback Sammy boy."I sarcastically said with a chuckle.

"Jerk."He retorted while glancing over at me with a slight grin.

"Bitch."I said with a big smirk while looking at him.

Ella's P.O.V

When Missouri finally reached me she said,"I heard your thoughts loud and clear, I know you're mad, so go ahead and ask?"

"Jack told me that my Dad is at your house right now, and that he was there yesterday too. You knew and didn't tell my brothers and I anything...Why? Why didn't you tell us?"I quickly stated while staring at her with my brow furrowed.

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