Attack On Titan Oneshots★

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          The Bees and the Birds Talk

Eren: Haichou, may I ask you a question?

Levi: You just did brat.

Eren: No, I mean an actual question.

Levi: Hurry up Eren. I have a lot of paperwork to finish.

Eren: Alright! My question is,  where do babies come from?



Levi: Eren, what brought this up to your little and dusty mind?

Eren: Sir, Mikasa said that she wanted to have my babies but I do not know how that works. 

Levi: (Thinks to himself) Side note: Kill Ackerman

Levi: Ok, this is how it works, brat.

(Explains sex)

Eren: O-ok. Thank you Haichou, but I have another question.  Does it work with men too?



Levi: Let's find out. (Pushes Eren down with him)

Attack On Titan One Shots★Where stories live. Discover now