No Valentine?

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happy valentine's day! though it has no significant value to me, as it's just a way for companies to make money, it might to some of you. so, that being said, have a great day, guys!

h/nn is his nickname.

You sat at a bar, drowning your sorrows with whiskey. Your date had stood you up. He didn't even have the decency to tell you he wasn't coming. One hour. That's how long you waited. You arrived wearing your favourite outfit, the one that made you look gorgeous, at 5pm sharp. It wasn't until 6 when you saw one of his friends at the bar, who told you the truth. He had no intention of following through with the date: it was all a dare.

So here you were, downing glass after glass, shot after shot. Wishing that you had your best friend h/n beside you. Wishing that you'd never said yes to that date. Wishing you'd taken h/n up on his offer to hang out. But no. You didn't.

"Hey, uh, ma'am?" The boy next to you nervously smiled.

"Yes?" You turned your head to meet his gaze, a scowl etched onto your face.

"You should probably slow down on your alcohol intake. It isn't good for you."

"Excuse me? What I do with my life does NOT concern you. I am trying to forget my worries and troubles, and the only way I know how is alcohol. Okay? So back off." You glared at him, waving a hand absentmindedly. "My asshole of a Valentine stood me up. Do you know how long I waited for?"

"I-I don't-"

"ONE HOUR. ONE. HOUR. And he couldn't have told me that he wasn't intending on coming, that he wanted to go to some club and pick up a chick who'd be out of his bed in the morning? No. No, I am done with boys." You shook your head drunkenly, wiggling your finger before reaching for another shot.

Another hand got there first. "I think you've had enough, y/n."

It was h/n.

"Superman comes in to save the day." You slurred. "I'm not your Lois Lane, h/n, cause I'm nothing special."

"What happened to your date? I thought you were having fun." His eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"He stood me up. I waited for an hour. An hour, h/nn! And it was just a dare. Am I worth that much? Am I just a dare, a joke?" Tears filled your eyes.

h/n pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you in a hug. "No, y/n, no. You are worth much more than a dare. You are something special. And I swear, when I find that asshole I will kick his ass."

"You know, Superman, you are an amazing guy. Kick his ass for me." You smiled, pushing your lips against his in a drunken kiss. He pulled away almost instantly, with a frown.

"What? Don't you like me?" You sobered up a little, but not enough to make you realise the consequence of your actions.

"I do, and that's why I can't. You're drunk, and I can't take advantage of you. It's selfish, and horrible, and who knows, you might not even like me! Just wait until the morning, okay? We'll see where this goes." He sighed, shaking his head. "Let's get you home."

h/n picked you up gingerly, carrying you bridal-style out of the bar and to his apartment. He lay you down on his bed, tucking you in. "Goodnight, y/n." He kissed your forehead, before moving to sleep on the couch.

"h/n? Will you stay with me?"

"Yeah, of course." h/n slid under the covers, laying down beside you. He wrapped an arm around your waist. "Goodnight, y/n," he muttered as you both fell asleep.


The alarm clock woke you up. You moaned, the noise worsening your headache. You reached over to turn it off, but a muscular arm around your waist stopped you. Looking down to see h/n's arm, you panicked and threw back the covers to make sure you were decent. Sure enough, none of your clothes were missing, and you sighed in relief.

All of your tossing and turning woke up h/n, who shifted and unwrapped his arm to rub his eyes. "Mm... good morning." He blinked sleepily at you, smiling under his lashes.

"Ugh, not so loud." You closed your eyes in pain, rubbing your temples. h/n noticed, and immediately got up to get you an aspirin. He returned, and you immediately took them.

"So, what happened last night? I don't remember a thing." You frowned, trying to make sense of your blank memory.

"Well, you were drinking at the bar because your date stood you up, and I arrived to check up on you and see how it was going. Obviously you weren't okay, as by the time I got there you were drunk. You reached for another shot, but I stopped you before you could and-"

"And then I kissed you and called you Superman." You groaned in embarrassment, the memory flooding back to you. "Look, I'm sorry, I was drunk and my date had ditched and I'm really sorry. I guess that wasn't the best way to tell you..." you sighed, gathering the courage to confess as h/n listened with confusion. "I really like you, h/n. And I'm glad that my date ditched me because now I know there's no one else I want, but you probably don't feel the same way and I get that, I just wanted you to know. So I get it if you don't like me back but I had to get this off my chest."

When you finished, you got up to leave. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you... thanks for making sure I was safe, but I just remembered I have this thing and-"

h/n cut you off with a kiss. "I like you too," he murmured against your lips, his hands cupping your face. Your hands went to his neck, pulling him closer to you.

All too soon, the kiss ended. You both smiled at each other.

"I really like you, h/n."

"And I like you just as much, y/n."

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