rescue ➳ luke skywalker

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"No! y/n, don't go!" Luke screamed as you were lowered into the pit that would freeze you into carbonite.

"I have to, Luke. I'm sorry. But please, save me. I'm counting on you." You offered a weak smile.

"No!" He screamed. "I love you!"

"I know." You smiled, bowing your head as everything went black.

"Wh-where am I?" You questioned as you tried to sit up.

"Jabba's palace," replied a scratchy voice. You could tell it was using a voice scrambler.

"I can't see." You stuck out your hands and tried to find something to hold onto. Your hands found a wrist, and you gripped it tightly.

"Ow!" came a familiar voice. "My wrist!"

"Han? Han, is that you?" You asked excitedly.

"Yeah. It's me. Wait, y/n? y/n, is that you?" You heard your brother's voice.

"Yes! Oh my gosh, it's so good to hear your voice again!" You embraced him tightly. He hugged back with just as much force.

"Wait... Who are you?" You pointed in what you hoped was the direction of your saviour.

You heard the clanking of metal before a voice answered, "Your best friend."

"Leia!" You hugged her tightly. She hugged back before pulling away to kiss Han.

"I gotta get you both out of here," Leia said before helping you and Han to your feet. You wobbled a bit, but managed to keep your balance.

A laugh echoed throughout the room.

"I know that laugh." you and Han said in unison.

"It's Jabba," Leia whispered to you.

"Take him to the dungeon, and bring the girls to me." Jabba commanded in Huttese.

"Han!" You cried as two strong arms grabbed you. "Han!"

"y/n!" Han struggled in the Gamorreans' grasp. "Hey, let me go! Let me see my sister!"

The Gammorreans led Han down to the dungeon as the strong arms brought you to Jabba. You felt Jabba's tongue brushing against your clothes, and you shuddered.

Your vision had returned, and now you, along with Leia, were trapped as Jabba's slaves. You were currently sleeping, Leia's head resting on your shoulder, when you heard footsteps echoing through the room. You jolted awake, awakening Leia in the process.

"Mm, what?" Leia mumbled sleepily, rubbing her eyes tiredly. "y/n, what—"

"It's Luke," you whispered. "He's come to rescue us."

Leia woke up fully, moving into a sitting position beside you.

Suddenly, Luke appeared from around the corner, following Bib Fortuna. "You serve your master well. And you will be rewarded."

"Psst! Luke!" You whispered.

Luke's head turned in your direction, before spotting you. "What are you doing here? And Leia? What's going on?"

"Leia rescued me and Han, but we got caught," you explained. "Now we're slaves," you gestured towards your outfit.

"Don't worry, I'm here to rescue you." Luke smiled at you. "I've got a plan."

Once Jabba had finally dropped the comlink, Leia picked it up and smashed it down.

She wrapped her chain around Jabba's neck before throwing her body backward, pulling on the chain. You helped by doing the same, and together you killed Jabba.

You hugged her and she returned the embrace, smiling.

R2-D2 soon came, breaking both of your chains. Once you had gotten onto the deck, Luke ordered you to fire the cannon at the deck. He jumped onto where you both were standing, grabbed Leia then swung her to safety. He soon came back for you, wrapping one arm around your waist and kicking the cannon so it would fire.

With a loud creaking noise, Jabba's ship sank into the sand.

"Thank you for rescuing us Luke," you smiled at him.

"I will always save you y/n," Luke leaned in and kissed on your cheek, but you turned your head so that he was kissing you. At first he was shocked, but soon relaxed. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist.

"Aren't they adorable?" Leia watched on with a smile.

"Yeah, sure." Han wrapped an arm around her waist.

"What's wrong?" Leia looked up at him.

"I don't like the fact that she has a boyfriend." Han glared at Luke.

"She was bound to get one sooner or later. If they get married, she won't leave you. And Luke won't hurt her, not on our watch." Leia reassured him.

Han visibly relaxed. "Yeah."

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