Prongs, It Was a Mistake

Start from the beginning

Upstairs, James was sitting in the hall outside Charlus's room with Fabian Prewett, telling him exactly what happened at the Potter house that morning - leaving out the details of what he had been doing when he first heard the thumping upstairs. He told Fabian about the snakes of fire and the cackling, amused face of Bellatrix Lestrange and how he'd exploded his own staircase and seen the beams shiver and fall in as they drove away...

"You're sure both Rudolphus and Bellatrix got out?" Fabian asked.

James nodded.

"Damn," murmured Fabian.

James closed his eyes. "It's all gone, Professor."

Fabian rubbed James's shoulder reassuringly. "It's only material things, though, you were lucky your father was still here and your mum, too. And you got out alive."

James nodded, "Yeah. I know. I'm glad for that. But... bloody hell. It feels so weird.... It's... it's all gone." He stared at Fabian. "All the memories... everything."

Fabian shook his head, "Nobody can take memories away, Potter. Those are in you. They're embedded in the very stardust you're made from." He looked up suddenly, spotting Sirius coming up behind them. "Speaking of stardust."

Sirius stepped up, "Hullo," he said tentatively.

"Sirius," James said, getting up and hugging his mate. Sirius patted James's back awkwardly. "You didn't have to come."

"I couldn't very well leave you here dealing with this rubbish alone, could I?" Sirius said.

James pulled away from the bug and said, "I mean, I'd understand if you had."

Sirius shook his head, "Bloody hell, terrible friend I'd be, then, wouldn't I?" he put his arm over James's shoulders. "Can I talk you into a walk, mate, I have something I need to talk to you about."

Fabian cleared his throat, "In just a mo', Mr. Black. I'm sort of in the middle of an investigation."

James sat back down at Fabian's urging.

"Just a few more questions, Mr. Potter. I'd like to figure out how the compromise occurred to begin with... It's just not addin' up how the Lestranges got in to begin with." Fabian frowned.

"I don't understand how they got in," James murmured, shaking his head.

Sirius shuffled his feet.

"Tell me again how you found them?"

"I told you, Evans and I were... watching telly... and we heard a thump upstairs. I thought it might be Bubo, so I ignored the first sound. Then there was a series more thumps and I realized it wasn't Bubo. But there wasn't a bloody soul supposed to be up there, so Evans and I drew our wands and we went up and there's Bellatrix Lestrange jumping on my bed and her great fires snake all about the room and... Rudolphus was already in. He was - I s'pose he was probably looking for my dad. He came from my parent's room, snuck up behind me and Evans." James shrugged, "I dunno how they were in. I only know that they were."

Sirius closed his eyes.

Fabian frowned. "It just doesn't make sense! How did they get past the bleedin' Fidelus?"

Sirius burst out, "It was me!"

James and Fabian both looked up at him.

"I had the note. I had the note from Kingsley. I'm an idiot, I tried to send it to Evans. I wanted to have her check on you, James, and I sent it to her and I reckon it got lost in the post and they stole it and that's how they've found the house."

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