Little white lies (Larry) (smut)

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Harry sat in his apartment that he shared with his boyfriend Louis, alone. Louis had been sent out to be with his beard Eleanor. Usually Harry didn't mind that much, but recently he has noticed how excited he had been to see Eleanor. A little "ooh I'm meeting up with Elle today." Or "Elle' s so funny, I wonder when I will see her again." Would be flying round a lot and Harry was begging to think that Louis has started to fall for his beard. "Fuck it." Harry thought as he got a beer from the fridge as he started drinking his pain away.

It was about 10:00pm when Louis arrived home, with a massive grin on his face, he had just been to the carnival with El and it was the most fun he had had in a long time. "Hey Haz, darling I'm back." He shouted, smile still on his face, that was, until he got pushed against the wall. "Did you have a good time, darling." Harry slurred into Louis as he attacked his neck. "O-oh H-haz babe, w-what you doing?" The smaller lad stuttered at his boyfriend. "What so used to pussy that you don't remember what it feels like to fuck your fucking boyfriend?"Harry growled grinding hard on Louis. "O-oh El- Haz." Louis eyes widened as he realized what he said. "Oh shit Haz, I- I-" He tried to explain. "Fucking slut, did you fuck that bitch? Did you like fucking her tight little-" "Stop Hazzy." Louis cried tears streaming down his face. "Stop it Hazzy, I'm sorry." He wailed. "Okay, listen, I'm gonna pretend I'm Eleanor for the night, I wanna see what you do." The tall boy demanded. "But-" Louis began. "I fucking said, pretend I'm Eleanor." He growled digging his nails into Louis as the older lad yelped. "I, um, I don't know what to do with a girl..." Louis said embarrassed and Harry kissed him sweetly on the lips. "That's what I like to hear darling." He whispered and Louis had a bit of hope that Harry had maybe, just maybe he had forgotten what he had said about being El. "Now come one." He said darkly. "I be live you have a certain Eleanor Calder to please?" He chuckled deeply and Louis gulped hesitantly placing his small hands on Harry's hips as he began a soft make out. "Mhm." Harry mumbled as Louis began to take Harry's clothes off, looking him in the eye, laying him down gently. "Oh Louis." Harry said in a fake girly voice, giggling after as Louis backed away. "N-no, I, I can't do this to my Hazza." He gulped and Harry almost melted. Almost. "How about I show you how it's done?" Harry uses his fake girly voice again. "Your not aloud to moan or say any anything until you orgasm, okay?" Harry growled and Louis nodded, frightened as he gulped thickly again. Harry flipped them over, so that Louis was bottom and Harry paused to see the beauty in front of him. He noticed how Louis eyes showed fear and his lips trembled, his skin a tad paler, yet he still looked beautiful. He kissed and bit up Louis neck. "So beautiful." He mumbled against Louis lips as Louis tried to muffle a moan. "Oh, Louis!" Harry moaned in a high pitched voice as he slid a few fingers into his lover. After he prepped himself and Louis before looking Louis dead in the eye, whilst sliding into him Louis hissing in pain, but then muffling another moan as he saw how good looking the Cheshire boy looked as he rode him, moaning his name freely as he played the part of El, but Louis never once thought of his fake girlfriend. Harry could finally feel both his and Louis orgasm coming on. "Let it all go baby." Harry moaned in his girly voice. "Fucking shit. HARRY." Louis moaned as he released and Harry smirked. "Fuck Lou." Harry shot his head back, using his normal, deep raspy voice again making Louis orgasm again. After they rode off their highs Harry collapsed onto Louis and rolled off Louis. "Fuck Lou, two orgasms at once? Holy shit darling." He said kissing Louis cheek, pulling him onto his body. "And did I say the right name?" Louis asked. "Mhm, yeah darling you did." Harry replied kissing Louis lips. "I'm sorry baby, I shouldn't have got angry." Harry sighed as Louis cupped his face. "Darling. I'm the one who should be sorry, I've been acting a jerk, paying more attention to her than you, I'm so sorry darling." He said kissing Harry on the lips. "I love you boo." Harry smiled sleepily. "I love you too darling." Louis kissed the top of Harry's head before falling asleep, curled into his boyfriend.

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