The Bloody Breakfast

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The blood spread on the wood floor, seeping out of the girls body as if she was a fountain of blood. The killer stepped away from the lake of blood that was beginning to pool, and admired their handiwork. They wiped off the knife and put it back in the kitchen drawer. They then wiped the ground for their foot prints, and then stuck the knife sharpener in the fire and burned the rubber of the bottom of their shoe off to make different imprints. They then took off their gloves and threw them into the fire. They crept back upstairs to bed.


Annette woke up expecting to be surrounded by her sisters again, but scowled when she saw the purple walls matched with the showy decor. She hugged the blanket around her, and wished she could go back home. But no. She had to be picked in the job lottery to be the next heir. Sure, being a Queen sounded fun, but it wasn't at all. Annette had to constantly be criticized by the news people, and had to learn so much about political strategies. She also had to learn about etiquette and other mindless stuff such as how to dance.

The only reason Annette was in this mess was because the Queen wanted a child, but they both were unable to. They wanted to adopt a child older than 15 since they both hated small children. Unluckily for the King and the Queen, all boys 15+ had to serve in the great war between their Kingdom and Avinet. That then left the girls. Since the girls were the only people left, every year when they turned 15, a lottery system was used to place the girls into their area of skill. Annette hoped to be a baker, but because of her intelligence and "good looks" (according to society), she ended up in the palace. She was also an orphan, since the King and Queen had at least the heart to adopt a girl who didn't have anyone to lose. They chose 10 girls in total, and we're going to slowly pick which girl they thought would make the best Queen.

Annette finally pushed the blankets off of her and walked to the dresser. She scowled at the corsets that were about to squeeze all of her fat out of existence. She turned to the closet and picked out a darling pastel pink dress, that had a white lace trim. It was long sleeved, which was good for the chilly spring mornings.

Annette called her ladies in waiting to help her get the corset tightened and to do her hair. Although the help was nice, Annette much would've rather been wearing pants, a top, and an apron.

Her ladies in waiting got her spruced up, and she was finally ready to go downstairs for breakfast with the rest of the girls. She left her room and walked down the spiraling staircase, through the hall, and the huge doors to reach the dining hall. The scent of burnt rubber, and something else unpleasant... perhaps some sort of rotten meat met her nose. Her nose wrinkled in distaste, and surveyed the table. Enolia, Genevieve, Lacey, Bryn, and Eliza were already seated in the dining hall, plus the Queen. Annette took a seat by Lacey, her closest friend there. Annette served herself some of the toast and strawberry jam, while watching May, Alice, and Grace quietly came in and took their seats.

It was more than halfway through breakfast, and everyone was glancing up at the door, waiting for Martha to come. What was taking her so long? She was normally early. Enolia couldn't take it much longer.

"Queen Mary?"

The Queen finished chewing and put her fork down. "Yes, Enolia?"

"Where's Martha?"

The rest of the girls looked at the Queen, surveying her unmoving face. Her face remained placid, but Annette noticed that her eyes showed fear, and regret.

"She won't be joining us,"

Annette and Lacey shared nervous glances before turning back to the Queen.

"Ever again."

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