Chapter 45 | Bishops

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"If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that blood only makes you related. It's loyalty that makes you family." Ghost added, "And I can guarantee if it came down to you or him, he'd let you die."

"Shut your ignorant mouths! You have no idea what you're saying! If I have to go through you to find the remaining stones, then I will." He sneered.

"Then so be it." Micah replied, "As long as I am drawing breath, I will not let you hurt my family."

"At least we can agree on that much." Drake admitted.

A five against one fight might seem drastically unfair, but this demon was unlike any other. His strength and intelligence was unrivaled. What he did lack, though, was companionship. The others could work together so flawlessly. They relied on one another, whereas Drake only had himself. He was about to find out that his ultimate downfall could be the death of him.

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As London's anger set in, so did his twin's depression. Dusk was surprisingly patient. She waited until the absolute last minute. The more weight his aura possessed, the more fueling it would be for her. Her door creaked open but it didn't worry her. She could sense the incubus' presence as he approached. The smile on his face could strike pure fear into the hearts of men.

"I'd expect you to be dressed by now." Asher said.

Dusk remained seated on her bed with her legs crossed Indian style. She kept her eyes shut and her hands folded in her lap. "I was just lost in thought. Your scent got me thinking, if I ever were to let you violate me, do you think the world would collapse on itself from that much pure evil?"

"No, but I believe our offspring would be the true Antichrist. It's a good thing I'm not looking to be a father anytime soon." He joked. "Jarin is headed for us."

She sighed, "Fine. I'll get dressed, if you wouldn't mind giving my food a little flavor while I do so."

Asher shrugged, "Why not? If I got such a filling meal, you deserve one too."

At this point, Tokyo was already in pain. His soul felt torn down the middle. He tried not to show it, hiding himself away in the corner of the room. The incubus approached him, making him tremble in fear. Asher knelt down, placing his hand on the side of Tokyo's face. The demon began to cycle through his darkest memories to deepen his wounds. He understood this was for the greater good of the society. If you saw the tears Tokyo was shedding, you'd find it hard to believe he was doing this willingly.

Dusk stepped down from her bed with grace. She'd always been light on her feet. For an evil witch, she had a poetic grace to her movements. A dark matter sprouted from the ground below her, wrapping around her body. Her hooker-esc clothing was fine for an average day lounging around her room, but for a battle like this, she needed to look her ravishing best.

As her shadows fell from her thin body, her clothing was completely changed. Now, a sheer fabric hugged the sides of her torso, leaving her stomach bare. The bottom fanned out towards the ground, reaching all the way to the heel of her boots. Thin lace just barely covered her perverse parts. A skirt did drape over her hips, but seeing as it was made of spider web, it wasn't really blocking the view of anything. She was wearing nearly nothing. It was a little hard not to be distracted.

"Your feast awaits you." Asher spoke as he gestured down to the pained boy.

She hovered over him, pulling all the negative energy from his soul. The process may hurt now but in the end, he'll have a clean slate. For a while after this, he won't have to worry about feeling depressed, even without his brother. A blackness lighted off his body, twirling around Dusk's arms. It absorbed into her skin to further fuel her passion for destruction. Once she was done, all of Tokyo's energy had been taken from him. He passed out on the floor.

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