(Kenzie's dress)

Going back to my makeup, I did winged eyeliner and a few coat of mascara

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Going back to my makeup, I did winged eyeliner and a few coat of mascara. I also put a little highlight and contour on. Just I sprayed perfume on, I get a FaceTime call from Tanner. "Heyyyyy", I say answering the call. "Hey, woah you look beautiful", Tanner says smiling. "Thank you", I say walking over to my closet and grabbing a pair of black pumps.

"So did you want to talk or something", I ask putting the shoes on. "No. I just missed you", he says pushing out his lower lip. I laugh then smile. "I saw you an hour ago Tanner", I say. "I know but you usually say really late", he says. "How about income over after this dinner and spend the night?", I say sitting down at my desk. "Okay sounds good", he says smiling. "Oh by the way, would you care if I started calling you babe or something?", he asks sounding a little flustered. My mouth turns up into a smile "of course I wouldn't mind", I say smiling all the way.

"Kenzie! There here! Please come down", my mom yells from downstairs. "Hey Tanner I got to go", I say resting my head in my hand. "Okay. I'll see you soon. I love you... babe", he says laughing. "I love you too babe", I say smiling and rolling my eyes. I hung up before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs.

Right as I get to the bottle stair, my dad opens the door to reveal a man, not any older then 50 years old, he's mostly bald, and the hairs that are there, are gray. On his left is a women, very pretty, she has dark brown hair and blue eyes, high cheekbones and a very defined jaw line. And on his right is a teenager. A boy. He looks around my age. His dark hair is the same as his mothers, I'm assuming, but he has the same green eyes as his dad, I'm assuming again. But everything else is the same as his moms. I'm other words, he's pretty good looking.

I take the last step down, towards my mom. Smiling, through my teeth a say, "you didn't mention there would be other people." "Sorry honey. I forgot", she says giving me an apologetic look. I wave her off and turn back to the prowl at my front door.

"Come in come in", my dad says. The three people step in and my dad shuts the door. "Gregory, this is my wife, Britney, and my daughter, Mackenzie", my dad says. 'Gregory' shakes both mine and moms hands. "Nice to meet you. This is my wife, Miranda, and son, Josh", Gregory says. My dad, mom and I shake both of there hands and of course, mine and Josh's eyes meet. I pull away from his gaze and look back at my dad.

"Follow me to the living room. Dinner is almost ready", dad says walking down the hall. As Miranda follows my mom into the kitchen, and Gregory and my dad sit down on the couch, I take a seat on a chair next to the other end of the couch. My phone buzzes and I look at it. It's from Tanner.
I text back and I get so caught up in texting him that I don't realize that Josh sits down next to me.

"Who are you texting?", he asks and I jump. "Oh no one", I say shutting my phone off. "I saw the way you we're looking at your phone. Who was it?", Josh asks again. "My best friend.", I lie. He makes an O shape with his mouth and nods. "Makes sense.", he says looking away for a second. "So, how are you liking it here?", he asks putting his head in his hand. Tanner flashes into my mind and I smile. "I like it here", I say looking him in the eyes. "Good. Maybe I can make you like it even more", he says wiggling his eyebrows. I scoff and roll my eyes. "No thanks", I say. Josh is just about to say something when my mom calls, "dinners ready and on the table!"

Cross my heart, hope to die //Tanner Braungardt//Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora