People Like Us ❄ l.h

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Last night, there weren’t enough words in her vocabulary to describe how she felt.

Maybe it’s the way that he walked, or talked, or laughed.

And yet, she couldn’t bring her self to pick up the damn phone and call him.

He reminded her of the type of guys you would usually find in books.

She wouldn’t even dream about finding someone like him, especially in such a short time of moving here.

It was only one date and yet she felt as if she had known him her whole life.

Little did she know, he felt the exact same way.

He thought about how his friends would tease him about the way he felt about that girl.

She was something different- in a good way.

He’d never met someone like her before.

All the girls in his year would always try and throw themselves at him but he always rejected them.

His friends thought he was crazy but were also thankful because they got to be the rebound lay.

She promised herself earlier that year that she wouldn’t fall for a guy ever again.

Especially the ones who had that stupid smirk planted on their lips almost every moment of every day.

But the way his lips curled up into one of those genuine grins when she made a comment about how much all the girls in her class would drool over him- kind of made her want to rethink things.

Every time he ran on of his callused hands through is dirty blonde hair made her wish that those were her hands.

It was just above a day and she already missed him.

She cursed herself for doing so but she couldn’t help it.

She wouldn’t have fallen so hard if he hadn’t done that thing that made her swoon.

He was immediately captivated by her smile and when she let a lost of her hair drop to cover her face.

She looked down when she smiled, he couldn’t fathom why.

She had the most beautiful smile he has ever seen.

Sure, her two front teeth were longer than the rest of her teeth but that what made her, her.

She didn’t know who he was, or what he did until the end of the date when he told her.

“I really like you. I really really like you. I need to be a hundred percent honest with you right now. I don’t work with the best people who might want to hurt you. But I want to let you know that I will never ever let anything happen to you- if you’ll let me.” He said.

“No you don’t,” she said with a voice full of determination.

“I do. I promise,” She sighed realizing that even though she has only known him for a few days she did care about him. “I will never let you down.”

She nodded even though she was certain that it was inevitable that he would someday do something that would break her heart. But for right now, she was willing to take that risk.

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