17 ; Fallen Angels

Start from the beginning

"Your actions are admirable Miss Benedetto. But I think we both know that's not true."

"Well it is. I did it. You can't expel Jackson." I swallow another lump in my throat and Mr Clark turns to me. From my peripheral vision I notice Jackson staring at me but I avoid meeting his eyes. 

"Is this true Mr Park?" 

I look at Jackson then. Jacksons' gears are shifting and he's trying to figure out what I'm doing. I don't even know what I'm doing myself. Why am I lying for him? 

"Yes." Jackson narrows his eyes at me as he says it, still unsure of the situation.

Mr Clark becomes silent for a while. Both Jackson and I turn to look at him. He studies us both before sighing.

"Fine. If this is how you want to play it, I'll play along. You have to pay for the broken mirror, Miss Benedetto. One month of after school detention for the both of you. Meet at the library everyday after school."

"Thank you principal Clark." I rush out the door as soon as it's settled and down the hall. I sense Jackson hot on my tail but I don't slow down.

His hand encircles my elbow, roughly pulling me back.

"Why did you do that?" 

I swallow and try to think of a reasonable explanation but when I don't come up with one I just shrug my shoulders. Jackson runs a hand through his hair and looks away for a brief moment.

"Well that was really stupid of you."

Anger bubbles inside me. Some gratitude would be nice. 

"Well without my stupidity you'd be expelled. So you're welcome."

I rip my hand from his grip and storm away. Like a lost puppy he follows me again. His hand grabs mine but this time it's a softer execution.

"I didn't mean it like that. I'm...I..."

My eyes roam over his face, studying him like he always does me. I almost get lost in the map of Jackson, wondering if it leads to a treasure. 

"I just need to know why."

"You don't deserve to get expelled..." It's a lame excuse and I know it. But I don't want to tell him that I feel guilty. I'm the reason he smashed the mirror. Well, kind of...

"I do. But thank you."

I cast my eyes down and let my hair cover my face. I feel a tingle when Jackson takes a step closer and brush it behind my ear. His fingers linger on the spot behind my earlobe and I feel myself burning up. I hope he can't tell how red and hot my ears have become. He licks his bottom lip, studying mine. Jacksons' green orbs are penetrating my exterior and I need it to stop.

I brush his hand away and take a step back before clearing my throat. "No problem. I'll see you in detention."

Then I storm away again, flustered beyond all reason.


The rough book covers glide under my finger, gathering a coat of dust just at the tip. Lifting my finger I blow on the grey ball and it spreads in the air and vanishes.

It's deadly quiet but I disturb the peace when a shriek escapes me.

"Hush!" Samantha says. She's the librarian. Her eyebrows are furrowed and her stiff curls are dangling right above her shoulders. Her attire is a cliche, with a pencil skirt and cardigan hanging lovely over her curves. She's about 30 years old and sometimes I wonder if she's actually happy being a librarian at some small town high school. Does she have a husband? Kids?

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