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Three more days till the wedding.

"Hey Emma i'm going to go for a walk."

"Babe you want me to come with you?"

"No i'm okay i'll be back in about a hour or two."

"Okay stay safe love you."

"Love you too."

Regina kissed Emma and then headed out the door. She walked to Granny's and sat down at a booth close to the back.

"Hey Regina, excited for the wedding?"

"I am Ruby, you're coming right?"

"Hell yeah I wouldn't miss it."


"Are you waiting for Emma?"

" actually."

"Oh well can I get you something then."

"Sure, can I just have a cup of coffee."

"Of course a coffee coming right up." 

Ruby walked away and went to go make a coffee. Then the door bell dinged as a woman walked into the Granny's and sat at across, from Regina.

"Thank you for meeting with me."

"Thank you for calling me."

"I just wanted to apologize, the first time we met wasn't so pleasant."

'I know i'm sorry, I shouldn't have come."

"No its fine really, its just that Emma is not to fond of you."

"I know and I don't blame her, i'm a terrible mother."

"You are definitely not the best but you are here now, and I think that is what matters."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Okay, why did you invite me here?"

"Well because I want you to come to the wedding."

"Does Emma want me there?"

"Yes..she just doesn't know it yet."

"Does she know you are here?"


"You really love her don't you?"

"I do."

Ruby then came over with a coffee and gave Regina a glare. 

"Here is your coffee Regina."


Ruby then walked away and Regina felt nervous.

"Okay well here is were the wedding is going to be, and my number if you need anything."

"Regina thank you so much."

"Of course, now I should get back to Emma."

"Wait Regina?"


"What do you see in me."


"Why do you think i'm not a terrible person."

"let's just say, I wouldn't want to miss my daughters wedding. Have a nice day." Regina said as she walked out of the diner and headed home. When Regina arrived home she saw Emma pacing the floor.

"Emma honey is everything okay?"

"I don't know Regina you tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"Were did you go?"

"Escuse me?"

"Were did you go Regina, because I know it was not just a walk to the park, you met someone didn't you?" Emma said as tears started to from in her eyes.

"Emma its not like that."

"Oh then what is it like?"

"Emma I-"

"You're cheating in me aren't you I bet you are sleeping with her!"






"No after I specifically told you I did not want her around, you go and meet her."

"Emma its just that-"

"Regina why I don't want that woman anywhere near my family!" Emma was crying at this point.

Regina walked closer to her.

"Regina can you just leave me alone right now please?"

"No." Regina then pulled Emma into a tight hug and Emma sobbed into Regina's chest. Soon Emma had fallen asleep and Regina laid there and soon dozed off as well.

I'm hungry but we don't have food.

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