She's Dead

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"Where am I? Where is Regina? Is she okay?" 

"Miss Swan Regina is in surgery and you are at the hospital."

"Are the kids okay I need to know!"

"Miss Swan you need to calm down, you have to keep your heart rate down."

"I WILL NOT CALM THE FUCK DOWN, WHERE IS REGINA?" Emma then started ripping off chords and wires that were connected to her.

"Ma'am I'm going to need you to please stop!"



A few nurses rushed in and gave Emma a shot and she soon fell asleep.


A few hours later.

Emma's eyes opened as she looked up to see, Zelena, Cora, and Jade all in the room. 

"Hey guys where are the kids?"

"The nurse took them to go get some ice cream." Jade said

"Oh how is Regina?"

The room was silent, Emma looked at Cora as she turned away from her. She then looked at Zelena and tears streamed down her face. 

"She's dead isn't she?"

The room was still silent.

"God danmit one of you ANSWER ME!"

"Emma i'm so sorry."

"This is all my fault the love of my life is dead and its all my fault."

Emma eyes then rolled in the back of her head, and Jade immediately started shaking her.


(I got ya'll, they not dead lol!)

Emma woke up and looked around to see that she was in the hospital. She looked over to see a nurse checking her IV.

"Well Good Morning Miss Swan."


"You must be hungry."


"Hungry, I mean considering the fact you haven't ate in two days."


"Yes but your little sister and your sons, have been coming in to visit you."

"I'm sorry what, I don't have a little si-"

"Emma you're awake" Jade said as she walked in with a bag of food.

"Mom your up now!" Henry screamed as he ran over to the bed.

"Mommy!" Roland screamed as he followed Henry.

Emma looked at the boys and then to Jade. "Oh yes my sons and my sister."

"Well it looks like your all set Miss Swan i'll be back to check on you in a bit." 

Then the nurse walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

"Mommy guess what? You missed so much let me tell you, so some guy showed up right after daddy shot mommy, and then he shot daddy, then there was blood everywhere and you know everyone was crying and we were all like are they going to die are they going to live. But I was just thinking if you and Mommy dies what is going to happen to all my toys?"

"Wow Roland I did miss a lot didn't I."

"Yeah you did." Henry said.

"Hey kid how have you been holding up?"

"I'm okay."

"Hey Jade how is Regina?"

"Well its touch and go she's out of surgery but the doctors still say she needs a lot of rest. We've only seen her a few times but she was sleeping most of the time. She did wake up once and she calling out for you, but then she fell back to sleep."

"Oh so she is alive?"

"Yup, hopefully we can see her later. But before we do that we must eat."

"Yay!" The boys got off of the bed and ran to the bag Jade was carrying.

"Emma I brought you a grilled cheese."

"Yes my favorite."

Little bit of a short chapter but i'll update later love ya.

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