"I'm literally like thirty minutes early, and that's because there's no school today," Yuu sighed, pushing the perverted lavender haired freak away from his grasp.

"I'm running down to the market to get some last minute things for my trip, do you need anything?" Ferid asked.

"Just bring me one of those fancy chocolate bars you bought me last time; those were good," he chuckled. Yuu slid past the living room and into the Maid's locker room, catching eyes with none other than one of the maids, Aoki. Now, Yuu knew many of the maids were madly in love with him (Mia had told him that they always talked about him) though, Aoki always tried hiding her feelings with anger. She kinda reminded him of Mitsuba.

Aoki's face became plump red at the sight of Yuuchiro sliding his shirt off to slip on his outfit (Which Ferid had finally had the decency to order a male version of it).

"Don't get naked in here like you own this place you idiot!!" Aoki screeched, hitting his back. Yuu groaned in pain. Her quickly pushed Aoki to the wall, interlocking his body with hers, although, had no intentions of arousing her sexually what so ever. It was the clear truth! He had no feelings for any of the maids or even the girls at school (and boys) including Mitsuba and Aoki herself. And boy, was Aoki suddenly aroused.

"Will you stop bullying me already?! What have I ever done to you?!" Yuuchiro groaned, soft eyes locking with hers. Aoki couldn't take it anymore, she wanted him, and now.

"L-let go of me now Yuuchiro!" She begged. Yuu sighed, setting her down. He didn't know why Aoki had such a strong hatred for him, and all he wanted was to be her friend. Little did he know, although, that Aoki did have feelings for the young boy.

"Sorry Aoki, no wonder you hate me," he chuckled.

"People usually like me, well, Mitsuba too!" Yuu sighed.

"Oh shut up," she huffed, walking out.

Yuu walked out as well no longer after and began doing his regular duties. After he finished cleaning Mina's room, and walked into his office to find Mika seemingly angry at the computer screen.

"Damnit," Mika muttered, clicking harshly on the mouse. Yuuchiro had tried to ignore him but to no avail. He wanted to know what was wrong with his dear Mika.

"You okay?" Yuuchiro began. Mika looked, icy orbs glaring deadly at him. Did he do something wrong?

"Why aren't you wearing a dress? That's not to my pleasing Yuu chan, you know I-"

"Woah Mika, I'm here to clean for you, not to give you a good view of my ass," Yuu snorted. Though, he kinda missed wearing the dress a little he had to admit. It was always fun seeing Mika squirm in his seat from excitement.

"Anyways, why're you mad?" Yuu began, dusting the book shelf.

"Work's been really stressful lately, I just need something to relieve my stress," Mika huffed, sliding back on his chair.

Yuu's head began filling with sadistic ideas on ways of teasing his lover. Or so he calls Mika that now.

"You know," Yuu purred, sliding himself on Mika's lap. He stiffened from the sudden action. Yuu usually never acted like this. He was such an innocent little bean. Or so he thought.

"I could help with the stress," Yuu whispered, sliding his small hands up and down on Mika's broad chest. Mika suddenly began biting Yuuchiro's soft milky skin, leaving red marks on his neck (once again) although, this time it was rather pleasant since Yuu actually gave him permission.

"M-Mika," Yuu whimpered at the sudden touch. His collarbones were the most sensitive spot.

"That's daddy to you," Mika smirked against his skin.

Daddy? What the hell?! Is he dominant or something?

Not like I mind or anything.

"A-ah~ don't stop," Yuuchiro gasped. Mika lifted him on his desk, pushing all of the damned paper work away. He only wanted Yuuchiro at the time. Mika unbuttoned his shirt, revealing more of his beautiful porcelain skin.

Yuu was absolutely pure and innocent. And he was all his.

Crimson filled his cheeks as Mika stared in utter awe.

"Don't look at me like that," Yuu muttered, looking away. Mika smiled softly, trailing a long finger down from his v line.

"You're so perfect," Mika breathed.

"Just perfect."


Lemon scene next chapter! So I've warned you all in advance. Even though this is kinda lemony and things are actually getting spicy for once.

Btw I know I suck at lemons so I'm sorry (especially for boy x boy) I'm all new to this so yea.

Sorry for the long wait though!


Make sure to leave a comment, vote and share! Thank you all sososososo much!

-Airi Katana

Green Eyed Maid (Mikayuu)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें