Chapter 35.

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Luke's POV

It was now the day of Callie's surgery.  The day before, Callie's mom decided to have us stay at the Sofitel Hotel in Beverly Hills so that we would be closer and she wanted Callie to be comfortable while recovering from her surgery.  Since the military was paying for the food and hotels we stayed at, she decided to have us all stay at a more expensive hotel.  

I can tell that Callie is a little nervous for the surgery but I can also see that she just wants this surgery so that she can feel better.  I want that for her as well.  

To feel better.  

Her test came back negative for having extra heart beats so the only surgery they have to do is the minimally invasive pulmonary valve surgery.  The doctor said it would take three to six hours.  

Her dad and grandpa had arrived last night and we were all on our way to the hospital now. 

I hold her hand as she's resting her head on my shoulder.  We had to wake up at five in the morning to get to the hospital and her surgery was scheduled for seven in the morning.  She was told not to wear any makeup and I couldn't help but think how beautiful she looks without it.  


We had been in the hospital now for over an hour and in that time Callie got changed into her gown and she was now laying in the hospital bed they would bring her in for the surgery.  They were checking over everything before they began.  

A nurse came in opening the curtains up and put an IV in Callie's right arm.  

"Your allergic to sulfa correct?" The other nurse asked Callie writing in her chart.  


"Low platelet levels?"


"And did you take your four pills before the surgery?"


She has to be on antibiotics before every surgery to make sure she doesn't bleed too much.  They also didn't want her to have infection and they have her take them as a safety precaution.  

"Alright everything is up to date.  I will have doctor Smith come in and check on you as well as the anesthesiologist," the nurse smiles at us and leaves the room.  

I'm sitting in a chair next to Callie's bed as I hold her left hand.  Her dad, grandpa Joe, mom, and Ariel are in here as well.  

"How are you feeling, Callie?" Her dad asks her.  

"Fine.  Tired.  I just want to get it over with so that I can feel better."

"You will.  I just know it."

After doctor Smith, who will be performing the surgery, and the anesthesiologist have met with Callie, we say our goodbyes to her and I give her a kiss pressing my lips to hers as I cup her face in my hands.  

Wanting to remember what it feels like to have her lips on mine.  

Wanting this to last forever.  

"I love you," I tell her as I run my fingers through her blonde hair.  

"I love you."

All too soon, they wheel her off into a room as she is now asleep.  Half of it from being tired and the other half from the medicine they gave her to put to sleep.  


It's been hours.  

Hours since any of us have last seen Callie.  

Or heard any news.  

"Here," a deep voice tells me as I smell a steamy cup of hot coffee in front of me.  

I look up and see her older brother Wesley.  He flew in hours ago while she had first been brought back to have surgery.  We wanted to surprise Callie.  This was all part of the plan.  

I had talked to Wesley about it and he couldn't stay away.  He had to be their for his younger sister.  Abigail was here also talking to their mom trying to distract her so that she doesn't worry.  

I think were all worried that something wrong is happening right now.  

"Thanks," I tell him gratefully as I take it sipping it.  "It shouldn't be taking this long should it?"

He shrugs his shoulders.  

"I don't know.  It's hard to say," He comments as he looks like he's lost in thought.  Or lost in memory.  "Her open heart surgery that she had as a baby lasted a lot longer than this did.  I just hope we get some news soon."

"Me too." I agree wholeheartedly.  

I've gotten texts from family members, teammates, and friends all day today.  All of them saying the same thing.  They hope that Callie's surgery goes well and that they are thinking and praying for her.  

It helps knowing that all these people who are in our lives love and care about us.  

I feel bad for my teammates and coaches that I left for a while, but there's just some people that matter more than football right now.  I couldn't imagine not being here for Callie and her family.

The anesthesiologist comes out with a neutral look on his face.  We all immediately jump to our feet wanting to hear any news.  

"I just wanted to give you an update on how the surgery is progressing.  Doctor Smith is trying really hard but the valve just isn't wanting to deploy into place the catheter way.  We had to give her more anesthesia because she's been in longer than we would have liked.  Doctor Smith is preparing right now to cut."

"Well have him try harder before he has to do that," I tell him annoyed that they aren't trying hard enough.

"He's tried.  He's had to push on her chest a lot and it's just not wanting to go in."

My shoulders sink at that news.  I can see Nicole, Callie's mom, facial expression fall as Brenden, her dad wraps his arm around his wife.  

"We'll update you as soon as we can," he tells us as he gives a sympathetic smile as he walks away.


Hours later, doctor Smith walks out with a smile on his face.  Moments ago, Joe and I were watching a football game and arguing about what they were doing wrong as Ariel shook her head at us.  

"Doctor Smith, how is Callie?" Nicole asks him.  

"She's resting now.  We were able to successfully get it deployed into place without cutting her open.  It was the last second that it deployed into place.  She has a breathing tube inside of her right now and then it will be taken out where she will be moved to ICU."

"Thank you, thank you so much doctor Smith." Nicole and Brenden thank him.  

"My pleasure," he says with a smile as he shakes all of our hands.  "Before I leave, I wanted to show you all a quick video I took on my phone of the back flow.  This was before the surgery and you can see how much there was with the red and blue colors and on the right is how it looks now.  As you can see there is no back flow."

She's going to be okay.

Beating Heart •Luke Kuechly•Where stories live. Discover now