Chapter 5 ( What? )

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Your Pov

I finished the drawing. It wasn't the best but it was something. ( Pic above ) I watched the calm pond. This pond was like a calming memory. It helped me with my stress. I smile, and it wasn't fake this time. I heard the horrifying scream of the savages. I didn't have my hatchet with me. They sounded far so I just walked back to the house. I notice the fire was out but smoke still rised. I walked into the house. Tommy looked at me and smiled. Nick looked at me. Nick seemed to be really interested in me and it made me confused.  Ashley just looked at me, and Cory nodded in greeting. I smiled at them as I walked to my room. I sat on the chair and looked outside. I'd give Tommy the drawing soon, I just wanted to add a back round to it. I looked at the blue sky. The clouds hung above, just floating." I wish life was that easy. Just floating by." I mummbled. I watched as the grass swayed in the wind, the branches swaying gently. I just stared." Heh, Emma would have liked it here, so many people, beautiful scenery. She would have loved to draw that wolf with me." I said softly. A lone tear slipped down my face. I closed my eyes tight.' I need to stop thinking about her, it's making it worse not only for me, but for Tommy.' I thought. I opened my eyes slowly. I couldn't stop thinking about her, she was everything to me. Suddenly I heard a male scream." UNI!" I heard someone yell. I stood up and wiped away my tears. I walked out and into the room. I grabbed my hatchet. Everyone but Tommy looked at me, then the hatchet." What?" I asked. They looked away." We gonna go see who that is or am I out here for no reason?" I asked Tommy as the others gathered there weapons." Yeah." He said coldly, walking towards the door. I was confused, why did he say it like that? What did I do?" Emma, your getting me into much more trouble than needed." I mummbled. Nick looked at me confused, I could tell he heard. We all walked out the door and towards the scream. There was a man on the ground, bleeding." Uni!" Cory yelled. He ran over to him. I looked at this Uni guy. I could tell Nick was looking at me, but why? Cory picked up Uni." We can bring him back and heal him there, I didn't bring my healing stuff with me." I said softly. Cory nodded. We started walking back, Uni had been knocked  pout so Cory carried him." So, who's Emma?" Nick asked me. I looked at him." You weren't supposed to hear that." I mummbled." Well I did, now answer the question." He said coldly. "..... She's my niece, she was on the plane with me." I said softly. He looked at me for a moment, then looked away.' Why is everyone everyone so cold?' I thought." I didn't mean to be so harsh, I'm sorry." Nick said, looking back  at me. We were at the  house, I began to walk in." No need." I said softly.

Tommy's Pov

Y/N's been talking to Nick way more than me. What did I do? Is she mad at me? What did Nick do to gain her trust? I sighed as I walked in. Y/N went straight to her room. I looked at the floor. I sat on the couch and looked out the window. Nick sat next to me." You okay?" He asked. I nodded." I'm fine, I'm just not sure about Y/N." I said gently." She probably won't like me telling you, but her niece was on that plane with her." Nick said softly. I looked at him." I just don't understand, why does she tell you and not me." I said angrily." Maybe she noticed how much you worry. Maybe she doesn't want you to worry." Nick said, putting an arm around me. I looked at him with soft eyes." Your right." I looked back out the window.

Nick's Pov

Tommy seemed to really care about her. I don't know why, but I get jealous when she smiles at him. I looked at the ceiling. Cory was helping Uni." W- where am I?" I heard Uni ask as he woke up. Cory smiled. He helped Uni up. Tommy looked at Uni and smiled." I'll go get Y/N, she might want to meet him." Tommy said softly. There it is again, the jealousy." I can get her if you want." I said, standing up." I've got it Nick." Tommy said, walking over to Y/N's room. I growled slightly. Cory looked at me with a smirk." What are you looking at!" I said angrily. Cory looked away, still smirking. I sighed.

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